Authors Beginning With the Letter W
wa Bofelo, Mphutlane
- 2013 — With Shah, Anitha, Moodley, Kessie, Cooper, Linda, and Jones, Barbara, “Recognition of Prior Learning as “Radical Pedagogy”: A case study of the Workers' College in South Africa”
- 2013 — Avec Vally, Salim et Treat, John, “Worker Education in South Africa: Lessons and contradictions”
Wager, Amanda
- 2023 — With Khwaja, Tehmina, Lyon, Melissa, and O’Neil Green, Denise, “Création d’une communauté de pratique virtuelle sur l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion”
Walker, Alicia
Walker, Keith
- 2010 — Avec Ralph, Edwin G., “Enhancing Mentors' Effectiveness: The promise of the Adaptive Mentorship© model”
- 2008 — Avec Ralph, Edwin George et Wimmer, Randy, “The Clinical/Practicum Experience in Professional Preparation: Preliminary findings”
Wallace, Janice
- 2014 — With Wallin, Dawn, Viczko, Melody, and Anderson, Heather, “The First Female Academics in Programs of Educational Administration in Canada: Riding waves of opportunity”
Wallace, John
- 2009 — Avec MacMath, Sheryl et Chi, Xiaohong, “Curriculum Integration: Opportunities to Maximize Assessment as, of, and for Learning”
Wallin, Dawn
- 2014 — With Wallace, Janice, Viczko, Melody, and Anderson, Heather, “The First Female Academics in Programs of Educational Administration in Canada: Riding waves of opportunity”
Wallin, Dawn C.
Wang, Peiyu
Wang, Shujiao
Watson, Kaitlyn
Watt, Jennifer
- 2023 — Avec Krepski, Heather et Heringer, Rebeca, “Perspectives des enseignants de l’école intermédiaire sur la manière dont les « service learning projects » contribuent au bien-être des élèves”
Webb, Andrea S
- 2016 — Avec Rushton, Claire, “Delving into Inquiry Learning in Teacher Education at the University of British Columbia”
Webber, Geoff
- 2016 — Avec Miller, Dianne, “Progressive Pedagogies and Teacher Education: A Review of the Literature”
Wei, Yifeng
- 2021 — With Gilham, Chris, Kutcher, Stanley, MacIntyre, Catherine, MacCuspic, Sharon, and Fougere, Wanda, “Essais sur le terrain d’une ressource de santé mentale qui facilite l’introduction au campus”
- 2011 — Avec Kutcher, Stan et Szumilas, Magdalena, “Comprehensive School Mental Health: An integrated “School-Based Pathway to Care” model for Canadian secondary schools”
Weisseno , Georg
Wells, Richard
Wentworth, Annette
- 2020 — With Moostoos-Lafferty, Etienna, Burns, Natalie, and Conrad, Diane H., “Décoloniser les pratiques éducationnelles en favorisant la relationalité éthique en classe autochtone en milieu urbain”
White, Boyd
White, Boyd Eric
Whitley, Jessica
- 2014 — “Supporting Educational Success for Aboriginal Students: Identifying key influences”
- 2010 — With Rawana, Edward P., Pye, Melissa, and Brownlee, Keith, “Are Strengths the Solution? An Exploration of the Relationships among Teacher-rated Strengths, Classroom Behaviour, and Academic Achievement of Young Students”
Whitley, Jessica L.
- 2008 — Avec Heath, Nancy Lee et Finn, Cindy A., “The Role of Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the Self-perceptions of Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties”
Wiebe, Sean
- 2020 — With Carter, Mindy R., Howard, Patrick, and St-Amand, Jérôme, “Éditorial”
- 2016 — Avec Smith, Claire Caseley, “A/r/tography and Teacher Education in the 21st Century”
Wildy, Helen
- 2017 — Avec Stout, Rosana Mary et Cumming-Potvin, Wendy, “Torch Bearer, Weary Juggler, and Heckler: Representations of Teacher Leadership”
Wils, Kaat
- 2015 — With Van Nieuwenhuyse, Karel, Clarebout, Geraldine, and Verschaffel, Lieven, “The Present in Flemish Secondary History Education Through the Lens of Written History Exams”
Wimmer, Randy
- 2008 — Avec Ralph, Edwin George et Walker, Keith, “The Clinical/Practicum Experience in Professional Preparation: Preliminary findings”
Wiseman, Dawn
Wittorski, Richard
- 2022 — Avec Zaouani-Denoux, Souâd, “Travail, formation et professionnalisation : enjeux et configurations sociales, cadres théoriques et échelles d’analyse”
- 2022 — Avec Zaouani-Denoux, Souâd, “Éditorial”
Wolfe, Barat
- 2009 — With Dlamini, S. Nombuso, Anucha, Uzo, and Yan, Miu Chung, “Engaging the Canadian Diaspora: Youth social identities in a Canadian border city”
Woolner, Leah
- 2014 — Avec Deutsch, Rachel et Byington, Carole-Lynn, “Storytelling and Trauma: Reflections on “Now I See It,” a digital storytelling project and exhibition in collaboration with the Native Women's Shelter of Montreal”
Worthen, Helena H.
Wray, David
- 2015 — Avec Stephenson, Carol et Stirling, John, “"Working Lives": The use of auto/biography in the development of a sociological imagination”