Authors Beginning With the Letter P
Page, Krista D.
- 2005 — Avec Murphy, J. Brendan, “Mercury concentrations in the bedrock of southwestern Nova Scotia: a reconnaissance study”
Pajari, G. E.
- 1983 — Avec Pickerill, R. K., “Editor's Page”
- 1982 — Avec Pickerill, R. K., “Editor's Page”
- 1981 — Avec Pickerill, R. K., “Editor's Page”
- 1981 — Avec Pickerill, R. K., “Editor's Page”
- 1981 — Avec Pickerill, R. K., “Editor's Page”
- 1981 — Avec Fyffe, L. R. et Cherry, M. E., “The Acadian plutonic rocks of New Brunswick”
Pajarie, George
- 1973 — Avec Donohoe, Jr., Howard V., “The Age of the Acadian Deformation in Maine-New Brunswick”
Palacios, Teodoro
- 2020 — With Barr, Sandra M., White, Chris E., Jensen, Sören, and van Rooyen, Deanne, “Ediacaran and Cambrian rocks on Scatarie Island, Avalonian Mira terrane, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada”
Papezik, V. S.
- 1986 — Avec Greenough, John D., “Acado-Baltic Volcanism In Eastern North America and Western Europe: Implications for Cambrian Tectonism”
Park, Adrian F.
- 2020 — With Barr, Sandra M., Johnson, Susan C., Dunning, Greg R., White, Chris E., Wälle, Markus, and Langille, Amanda, “New Cryogenian, Neoproterozoic, and middle Paleozoic U–Pb zircon ages from the Caledonia terrane, southern New Brunswick, Canada: better constrained but more complex volcanic stratigraphy”
- 2019 — Avec Hinds, Steven J., “Post-Devonian movement on the Fredericton Fault and tectonic activity in the New Brunswick Platform, central New Brunswick, Canada”
- 2016 — With Stimson, Matthew R., Miller, Randall F., Lucas, Spencer G., and Hinds, Steven J., “Redescription of tetrapod trackways from the Mississippian Mabou Group, Lepreau Falls, New Brunswick, Canada”
- 2009 — “Cleavages developed in mudstone during diagenesis and deformation:”
- 2008 — Avec Barr, Sandra M. et White, Chris E., “Preliminary investigation of a major high-strain zone in the Caledonian Highlands, southern New Brunswick”
- 2003 — Avec Whitehead, James, “Structural transect through Silurian turbidites of the Fredericton Belt southwest of Fredericton, New Brunswick:”
Park, Myong-Ho
- 2001 — Avec Kiefer, Thorsten et Zahn, Rainer, “Surface- and deep-water hydrography and meltwater events in the mid-latitude North Atlantic Ocean over the past 160,000 years”
Parkhill, M. A.
- 2004 — Avec Dickson, M. L. et Broster, B. E., “Comparison of clast and matrix dispersal in till:”
Parkhill, Michael
- 2014 — With McClenaghan, Beth, Seaman, Allen, and Pronk, Antonius, “Till geochemical signatures associated with the Sisson W-Mo deposit, New Brunswick, Canada”
Parnell, John
- 1996 — Avec Lines, Allan W. et Mossman, David J., “Reduction spheroids from the Upper Carboniferous Hopewell Group, Dorchester Cape, New Brunswick: notes on geochemistry, mineralogy and genesis”
Parrott, D. Russell
- 2009 — Avec Wildish, David J. et Fader, Gordon B.J., “A model of horse mussel reef formation in the Bay of Fundy based on population growth and geological processes”
Parsons, Michael
- 2006 — Avec Fox, Don et Zentilli, Marcos, “Foreword: Special Issue: Environmental Geoscience Research in the Atlantic Region”
Parsons, Michael B.
- 2015 — Avec Little, Megan E., “Establishing geochemical baselines in forest soils for environmental risk assessment in the Montague and Goldenville gold districts, Nova Scotia, Canada”
- 2015 — With Little, Megan E., Law, Brent A., Milligan, Timothy G., and Smith, John N., “Impact of historical gold mining activities on marine sediments in Wine Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada”
Pass, David J.
- 1996 — Avec Piper, David J.W. et Pe-Piper, Georgia, “The stratigraphy and geochemistry of late Devonian to early Carboniferous volcanic rocks of the northern Chignecto peninsula, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia”
Patel, I. M.
Patel, I.M.
- 1983 — Avec Flint, A. G. et van de Poll, H.W., “Experiments in rheoplasis during sediment intrusion”
Paterson, Niall W.
- 2021 — Avec Mangerud, Gunn et Bujak, Jonathan, “Permian palynoevents in the circum-Arctic region”
- 2021 — Avec Mangerud, Gunn et Bujak, Jonathan, “Triassic palynoevents in the circum-Arctic region”
Paterson, Norman R.
- 1967 — With Swift, Donald J.P., Jagodits, Frank L., and Manistre, Bernard L., “Structure of the Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy: A Preliminary Report”
Paul, J.
- 1989 — With Kalkreuth, W., Naylor, R., and Smith, W., “Petrology, Rock-Eval and facies analyses of the McLeod coal seam and associated beds, Pictou Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada”
Pe-Piper, G.
- 2001 — Avec Ingram, S., “The New Cornwall syenogranite, Nova Scotia: petrology and geochemistry”
- 1997 — With Feetham, M., Ryan, R. J., and O'Beirne-Ryan, A.M., “Lithogeochemical characterization of the Beaverbank unit of the Halifax Formation, Meguma Group, and acid drainage implications”
- 1997 — Avec Haysom, S. J. et Horne, R. J., “The opaque mineralogy of metasedimentary rocks of the Meguma Group, Beaverbank-Rawdon area, Nova Scotia”
- 1997 — Avec Haysom, S. J. et Horne, R. J., “The opaque mineralogy of metasedimentary rocks of the Meguma Group, Beaverbank-Rawdon area, Nova Scotia”
- 1989 — Avec Murphy, J. B. et Turner, D. S., “Petrology, geochemistry, and tectonic setting of some Carboniferous plutons of the eastern Cobequid Hills”
Pe-piper, Georgia
- 2002 — Avec Piper, David J.W., “A synopsis of the geology of the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia”
- 2002 — Avec Miller, Lisa, “Zeolite minerals from the North Shore of the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia”
- 2000 — Avec Wolde, Begashaw, “Geochemistry of metavolcanic rocks of the Ross Island and Ingalls Head formations, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick”
- 1996 — Avec Piper, David J.W. et Pass, David J., “The stratigraphy and geochemistry of late Devonian to early Carboniferous volcanic rocks of the northern Chignecto peninsula, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia”
- 1993 — Avec Piper, David J.W. et Loncarevic, Bosko D., “Devonian-Carboniferous igneous intrusions and their deformation, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia”
- 1992 — With Murphy, J. Brendan, Keppie, J. Duncan, and Piper, David J.W,, “Correlation of Neoproterozoic III sequences in the Avalon Composite Terrane of mainland Nova Scotia: tectonic implications”
- 1991 — “Granite and associated mafic phases, North River pluton, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia”
- 1989 — Avec Waldron, John W.F. et Piper, J. W., “Deformation of the Cape Chignecto Pluton, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia: thrusting at the Meguma-Avalon boundary”
- 1989 — Avec Murphy, J. Brendan, “Geochemistry and tectonic setting of the late Precambrian Folly River Formation, Cobequid Highlands, Avalon Terrane, Nova Scotia: a continental rift within a volcanic-arc environment”
- 1988 — Avec Turner, Denise S., “The Hanna Farm pluton, Cobequid Highlands: petrology and significance for motion on the Kirkhill fault”
- 1987 — Avec Piper, David J.W., “The Pre- Carboniferous rocks of the western Cobequid Hills, Avalon zone, Nova Scotia”
Peck, D.
- 1986 — Avec Smith, T. E. et Holm, P. E., “A Re-Appraisal of the Alaskite/Muscovite-Biotite Granite Suite of Halifax County, Nova Scotia”
Pelletier, B. R.
- 1979 — “A Sedimentological Continuum Occurring through Geologic Time: A Study for students”
- 1979 — Avec Barber, F. G. et Grainger, E. H., “Hudson Bay Sea-Floor Photographs”
- 1978 — “Editor's Page”
- 1978 — “Editor's Page”
- 1978 — “Editor's Page”
- 1977 — “Editor's Page”
- 1977 — “Editor's Page”
- 1977 — “Editor's Page”
- 1976 — “Editor's Page”
- 1976 — “Editor's Page”
- 1976 — “Editor's Page”
- 1975 — “Editor's Page”
- 1975 — “Editor's Page”
- 1975 — “Editor's Page”
- 1974 — “Editor's Page”
- 1974 — “Editor's Page”
- 1974 — “Editor's Page”
- 1973 — “A Re-examination of the Use of the Silt/Clay Ratios as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments: A Study for Students”
- 1973 — “Editor's Page”
- 1973 — “Editor's Page”
- 1973 — “Editor's Page”
- 1972 — “Editor's Page”
- 1972 — “Editor's Page”
- 1972 — “Editor's Page”
- 1968 — “The Submersible PISCES Feasibility Study in the Canadian Arctic”
- 1966 — “The Hudson Bay Project”
- 1965 — “Research in Marine ecology at Bedford Institute of Oceanography”
Pelletier, Bernard
- 1966 — “Hugh D. Lilly 1923 - 1966”
Pelletier, Bernard R.
- 1979 — “Editor's Page”
- 1979 — “Editor's Page”
- 1979 — “Editor's Page”
- 1979 — “Review of Surficial Geology and Engineering Hazards in the Canadian Offshore”
- 1971 — “Editor's Page”
- 1971 — “Editor's Page”
- 1971 — “Editor's Page”
- 1971 — “Index to Reports in Vol. 7”
- 1970 — “Editor's Page”
- 1970 — “Editor's Page”
- 1970 — “Editor's Page”
- 1970 — “Index to Reports in Vol. 6”
- 1970 — “Sedimentological Sampling and Results from the Diver Lock-Out Facility of the Submersible Shelf Diver, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia”
- 1969 — “Editor's Page”
- 1969 — “Editor's Page”
- 1969 — “Editor's Page”
- 1969 — With Swift, Donald J.P., Lyall, Anil K., and Miller, James A., “Sediments of the Bay of Fundy - A Preliminary Report”
- 1968 — “Editor's Page”
- 1968 — “Editor's Page”
- 1968 — “Editor's Page”
- 1967 — “Current Bibliography”
- 1967 — “Current Research”
- 1967 — “Editor's Page”
- 1967 — “Editor's Page”
- 1967 — “Editor's Page”
- 1967 — “Hither and Yon”
- 1967 — “Meetings”
- 1967 — “Sedimentation in Arctic Waters of the Western Queen Elizabeth lslands; District of Franklin, Canada”
Peterson, Kevin C.A.
Petrunic, B. M.
- 2006 — With Al, T. A., Cavé, L. C., Banks, V. J., Loomer, D. B., Belfry, C. S., Cogswell, S. R., and Weaver, L., “Geoscience at the nanometre scale:”
Petts, Duane C.
- 2012 — With Longstaffe, Frederick J., Potter, Joanna, Barr, Sandra M., and White, Chris E., “Regional hydrothermal alteration and 18O-depletion of the ca. 620 Ma Huntington Mountain pluton and related rocks, Cape Breton Island, Canada”
Phillips, J. D.
- 1993 — With Leo, G. W., Mortensen, J. K., and Barriero, B., “Petrology and U-Pb geochronology of buried Avalonian plutonic rocks on southeastern Cape Cod”
Phipps, C. V.C.
- 1969 — Avec King, L. H., “Chemical, Mineralogical and Textural Variations in Sediments from the Scotian Shelf”
Pickerill, R. K.
- 1999 — Avec Fyffe, L. R. et Stringer, P., “Stratigraphy, sedimentology and structure of the Oak Bay and Waweig formations, Mascarene Basin: implications for the paleotectonic evolution of southwestern New Brunswick”
- 1999 — Avec Fyffe, L. R., “The stratigraphic significance of trace fossils from the Lower Paleozoic Baskahegan Lake Formation near Woodstock, west-central New Brunswick”
- 1993 — Avec Stanley, D. C.A., “Shallow marine Paleodictyon from the Upper Ordovician Georgian Bay Formation of southern Ontario”
- 1992 — “Reviewers - Volume 28”
- 1991 — “Reviewers - Volume 27”
- 1990 — Avec Tanoli, S. K., “Lithofacies and basinal development of the type 'Etcheminian Series' (Lower Cambrian Ratcliffe Brook Formation), Saint John area, southern New Brunswick”
- 1990 — “Nonmarine Paleodictyon from the Carboniferous Albert Formation of southern New Brunswick”
- 1990 — “Reviewers - Volume 26”
- 1989 — “Bergaueria perata Prantl, 1945 from the Silurian of Cape George, Nova Scotia”
- 1989 — “Reviewers - Volume 25”
- 1988 — Avec Fyffe, L. R. et Forbes, W. H., “Late Ordovician-Early Silurian trace fossils from the Matapedia Group, Tobique River, western New Brunswick, Canada. II. Additional discoveries with descriptions and comments”
- 1988 — “Reviewers - Volume 24”
- 1987 — Avec Tansathien, W., “A giant Rusophycus from the Arisaig Group (Siluro-Devonian) of Nova Scotia”
- 1987 — Avec Fyffe, L. R. et Forbes, W. H., “Late Ordovlcian-Early Silurian trace fossils from the Matapedia Group, Tobique River, western New Brunswick”
- 1987 — “List of reviewers - 1987”
- 1985 — Avec Carter, D. C., “Algal swamp, marginal and shallow evaporitic lacustrine lithofacies from the late Devonian - early Carboniferous Albert Formation, southeastern New Brunswick, Canada”
- 1985 — With Bruck, P. M., Forbes, W. H., and Nance, D., “Beaconites antarcticus in the (?Middle) Late Devonian McAras Brook Formation, Cape George, Nova Scotia”
- 1985 — Avec Carter, D. C., “Lithostratigraphy of the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous Horton Group of the Moncton Subbasin, southern New Brunswick”
- 1985 — “The trace fossil Yakutatia emersoni from the Matapedia Basin of New Brunswick and southeast Gaspé - its first reported occurrence outside of Alaska”
- 1984 — “On the holotype of "Astropolithon hindii"”
- 1984 — Avec Fillion, D., “Systematic ichnology of the Middle Ordovician Trenton Group, St Lawrence Lowland, eastern Canada”
- 1983 — “Editor's Page”
- 1983 — Avec Pajari, G. E., “Editor's Page”
- 1983 — Avec Fillion, D., “On the Tremadoc-Arenig and Lower-Upper Tremadoc boundries in the Bell Island Group, Conception Bay, eastern Newfoundland”
- 1982 — Avec Pajari, G. E., “Editor's Page”
- 1981 — Avec Pajari, G. E., “Editor's Page”
- 1981 — Avec Pajari, G. E., “Editor's Page”
- 1981 — Avec Pajari, G. E., “Editor's Page”
- 1981 — Avec Keppie, J. Duncan, “Observations on the Ichnology of the Meguma Group (? Cambro-Ordovician) of Nova Scotia”
- 1981 — “Trace fossils in a Lower Palaeozoic submarine canyon sequence — the Siegas Formation of northwestern New Brunswick, Canada”
- 1977 — Avec Forbes, W. B., “Bifungites of Halli from the Ordovician (Caradocian) Trenton Limestone of the Quebec City Area”
- 1975 — Avec Brenchley, P. J., “The Application of the Community Concept in Paleontology”
Pickerill, Ron K.
- 2010 — Avec MacNaughton, Robert B., “A cautionary note on the use of invertebrate trace fossils for correlation in the Triassic-Jurassic Fundy Group”
- 2003 — Avec Keighley, Dave G., “Ichnocoenoses from the Carboniferous of eastern Canada and their implications for the recognition of ichnofacies in nonmarine strata”
- 2001 — Avec McLeod, Malcolm J. et Lux, R. Dan, “Mafic intrusions on Campobello Island: implications for New Brunswick - Maine correlations”
- 2000 — Avec Kim, Jeong Yul et Wilson, Reg A., “Palaeophycus bolbitermilus isp. nov. from the Lower Silurian Upsalquitch Formation of New Brunswick, eastern Canada”
- 1999 — Avec Blissett, Donovan, “A predatory Rusophycus burrow from the Cambrian of southern New Brunswick, eastern Canada”
- 1998 — Avec Keighley, Dave G., “Systematic ichnology of the Mabou and Cumberland groups (Carboniferous) of western Cape Breton Island, eastern Canada, 2: surface markings”
- 1997 — Avec Keighley, Dave G., “Systematic ichnology of the Mabou and Cumberland groups (Carboniferous) of western Cape Breton island, eastern Canada, 1: burrows, pits, trails, and coprolites”
- 1996 — Avec Harper, Dave A.T., “Mid Ordovician commensal relationships between articulate brachiopods and a trepostome bryozoan from eastern Canada”
- 1995 — Avec Donovan, Stephen K., “A camerate crinoid from the Upper Silurian (Ludlow) Moydart Formation of Nova Scotia, Canada”
- 1995 — “Deep-water marine Rusophycus and Cruziana from the Ordovician Lotbiniere Formation of Quebec”
- 1995 — Avec Norman, Yolande et Han, Yaojun, “New occurrence of Phycodes templus Han and Pickerill, 1994 with a taxonomic reassessment of Yangziichnus yichangensis Yang, 1984”
- 1995 — Avec Han, Yaojun, “Sedimentology and depositional environment of the Lower Devonian Wapske Formation, Perth-Andover/Mount Carleton region, northwestern New Brunswick”
- 1994 — Avec Han, Yaojun, “Palichnology of the Lower Devonian Wapske Formation, Perth-Andover-Mount Carleton region, northwestern New Brunswick, eastern Canada”
- 1994 — Avec Han, Yaojun, “Phycodes templus isp. nov. from the Lower Devonian of northwestern New Brunswick, eastern Canada”
- 1993 — With Donovan, Stephen K., Doyk, Eamon N., and Dixon, Harold L., “Ichnology of the Palaeogene Richmond Formation of eastern Jamaica - the final chapter?”
- 1991 — Avec Fillion, Denis et Brenchley, Pat J., “A note on the occurrence of Arthrophycus in the Bell Island Group of eastern Newfoundland”
- 1991 — “The trace fossil Neonereites multiserialis Pickerill and Harland, 1988 from the Devonian Wapske Formation, northwest New Brunswick”
- 1989 — Avec Tanoli, Saifullah K., “Cambrian shelf deposits of the King Square Formation, Saint John Group, southern New Brunswick”
Pickerill, Ronald K.
Pilkey, Orrin H.
Pilote, Jean-Luc
- 2021 — With Gibson, David, Barr, Sandra M., van Rooyen, Deanne, and White, Chris, “Protracted intra- and inter-pluton magmatism during the Acadian orogeny: evidence from new LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages from northwestern Maine, USA”
- 2012 — With Barr, Sandra M., Wilson, Reginald A., McClenaghan, Sean, Kamo, Sandra, McNicoll, Vicki J., and Bevier, Mary Lou, “Precise age and petrology of Silurian-Devonian plutons in the Benjamin River – Charlo area, northern New Brunswick”
Pin, Christian
- 2013 — With Barr, Sandra M., McMullin, David, and White, Chris E, “Whole-rock chemical and Nd isotopic composition of a Late Proterozoic metasedimentary sequence in Ganderia: Kellys Mountain, Bras d’Or terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada”
Piper, D. J. W.
- 1982 — Avec Wang, Ying, “Dynamic Geomorphology of the Drumlin Coast of Southeast Cape Breton Island”
Piper, David J. W.
- 1976 — Avec Boyd, Ranald W., “Baffin Bay Continental Shelf Clay Mineralogy”
- 1975 — With Wightman, Daryl M., Lewis, John F., and Dwyer, Greg J. T., “Late Quaternary Geology of Nain Bay, Labrador”
- 1973 — “A Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Marker in the Central Basin of Baffin Bay”
Piper, David J.W.
- 2002 — Avec Pe-piper, Georgia, “A synopsis of the geology of the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia”
- 1996 — Avec Pe-Piper, Georgia et Pass, David J., “The stratigraphy and geochemistry of late Devonian to early Carboniferous volcanic rocks of the northern Chignecto peninsula, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia”
- 1993 — Avec Pe-Piper, Georgia et Loncarevic, Bosko D., “Devonian-Carboniferous igneous intrusions and their deformation, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia”
- 1992 — With Murphy, J. Brendan, Pe-Piper, Georgia, and Keppie, J. Duncan, “Correlation of Neoproterozoic III sequences in the Avalon Composite Terrane of mainland Nova Scotia: tectonic implications”
- 1987 — Avec Pe-Piper, Georgia, “The Pre- Carboniferous rocks of the western Cobequid Hills, Avalon zone, Nova Scotia”
- 1979 — Avec Edgar, David C., “A New Bathymetric Map of the Middle Laurentian Fan”
Piper, J. W.
- 1989 — Avec Waldron, John W.F. et Pe-Piper, Georgia, “Deformation of the Cape Chignecto Pluton, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia: thrusting at the Meguma-Avalon boundary”
Pittman, D. A.
- 1982 — Avec Miller, H. G., “Geophysical constraints on the thickness of the Holyrood Pluton, Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland”
Plint, A. G.
- 1983 — Avec van de Poll, H. W., “Secondary sedimentary structures associated with fluidization zones in Permo-Carboniferous redbeds of Prince Edward Island, Canada”
- 1983 — Avec Ryan, R. J. et van de Poll, H. W., “The distribution, biota and stratigraphy of a Windsor Group limestone (Mississippian) and associated sediments in the Quaco Head area of New Brunswick”
- 1982 — Avec van de Poll, H. W., “Alluvial fan and piedmont sedimentation in the Tynemouth Creek Formation (Lower Pennsylvanian) of Southern New Brunswick”
Poole, W. H.
- 2002 — Avec Neuman, Robert B., “Arenig volcanic and sedimentary strata, central New Brunswick and eastern Maine”
- 1965 — “Investigations of Appalachian Section Geological Survey of Canada”
Pothier, Hayley D.
- 2015 — With Waldron, John W.F., Jamieson, Rebecca A., and White, Chris E., “Sedimentary and tectonic setting of a mass-transport slope deposit in the Halifax Group, Halifax Peninsula, Nova Scotia, Canada”
- 2015 — With Waldron, John W.F., White, Chris E., DuFrane, S. Andrew, and Jamieson, Rebecca A., “Stratigraphy, provenance, and tectonic setting of the Lumsden Dam and Bluestone Quarry formations (Lower Ordovician), Halifax Group, Nova Scotia, Canada”
Potter, Joanna
- 2012 — With Petts, Duane C., Longstaffe, Frederick J., Barr, Sandra M., and White, Chris E., “Regional hydrothermal alteration and 18O-depletion of the ca. 620 Ma Huntington Mountain pluton and related rocks, Cape Breton Island, Canada”
Poujol, M.
Prakash, A.
Prest, V. K.
- 1976 — With Terasme, J., Matthews, Jr., J. V., and Lichti-Federovich, Sigrid, “Late-Quaternary History of Magdalen Islands, Quebec”
Price, Joanne R.
- 1999 — With Barr, Sandra M., Raeside, Robert P., and Reynolds, Peter H., “Petrology, tectonic setting, and 40 Ar/ 39Ar (hornblende) dating of the Late Ordovician - Early Silurian Belle Cote Road orthogneiss, western Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia”
Prichonnet, G.
- 2003 — Avec Jutras, P. et McCutcheon, S., “Alleghanian faulting in the southern Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec”
Prichonnet, Gilbert
- 1999 — Avec Jutras, Pierre et von Bitter, Peter H., “The La Coulee Formation, a new post-Acadian continental clastic unit bearing groundwater calcretes, Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec”
Pronk, A. G.
- 2004 — Avec Broster, B. E. et Allaby, G. M., “Lithology and geochemical dispersal in till:”
- 1996 — Avec Munn, M. D. et Broster, B. E., “Geochemical dispersal in till: Waterford area, New Brunswick”
- 1991 — Avec Ruitenberg, A. A., “Applications of surficial mapping to forest management in New Brunswick”
- 1991 — “Geology and environmental change: a New Brunswick perspective”
- 1991 — With Hornibrook, E. R.C., Broster, B. E., and Gardiner, W. W., “Glacial dispersal of heavy minerals in late Wisconsinan till, central New Brunswick”
Pronk, Antonius
- 2014 — With McClenaghan, Beth, Seaman, Allen, and Parkhill, Michael, “Till geochemical signatures associated with the Sisson W-Mo deposit, New Brunswick, Canada”
Pryer, L. L.
- 1986 — With Fueten, F., Clifford, P. M., Crocket, J. H., and Thompson, M. J., “Formation of Spaced Cleavage and Concurrent Mass Removal of Si02, Meguma Goup Metagreywackes, Goldenville, Nova Scotia”
Puchalski, Raya C.
- 2020 — Avec Barr, Sandra M. et White, Chris E., “Field relations and petrology of the Trafalgar Plutonic Suite and comparisons with other Devonian granitoid plutons in the Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada”
Pufahl, Peir
- 2015 — With Spooner, Ian, Brisco, Trevor, Morrow, Jared, Nalepa, Mariella, Williams, Peter, and Stevens, George, “The North structure”
Püttmann, W.