Authors Beginning With the Letter D
Daigle, Annie E.
- 2013 — Avec Broster, Bruce E. et Burtt, Gina M., “Engineering properties of fine-grained estuarine sediments in the Saint John River Valley at Fredericton, NB”
Dainty, A. M.
- 1965 — With Keen, C. E., Keen, M. J., and Ruffman, A., “Geophysical Studies at Dalhousie University, Newfoundland, North Atlantic and Hudson Bay”
- 1965 — With Blanchard, J. E., Ewing, G. N., Keen, C. E., Keen, M. J., Moore, G. S., and Tsong, C. F., “Seismic studies on the eastern seaboard of Canada”
Dallmeyer, R. D.
- 1990 — With Doig, R., Nance, R. D., and Murphy, J. B., “40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb mineral ages from the Brookville Gneiss: implications for terrane analysis and evolution of Avalonian "basement" in southern New Brunswick”
- 1988 — Avec Keppie, J. D., “Superposed Late Paleozoic thermal events in the southwestern Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia”
Dalrymple, Robert W.
D'Angelo, Jose A.
- 2013 — Avec Zodrow, Erwin L., “Compression map: Improved means for studying Carboniferous foliage”
d'Anglejan, B. F.
Darsan, Junior
Davidson-Arnott, Robin
- 1972 — With Bryant, Edward A., Greenwood, Brian, McCann, S. D., and Middleton, Gerald V., “Introductory Notes on the Coastline of the Maritime Provinces of Canada: A Symposium”
Davidson-Arnott, Robin G. D.
- 1972 — Avec Greenwood, Brian, “Quaternary History and Sedimentation: A Summary and Select Bibliography”
Davies, S J.
- 2005 — With Gibling, M. R., Rygel, M. C., Calder, J. H., and Skilliter, D. M., “The Pennsylvanian Joggins Formation of Nova Scotia:”
Davies, Tudor T.
Davis, D. W.
- 1998 — With Keppie, J. D., Dostal, J., and Horton, D. A., “Earliest Silurian supra-subduction magmatism in central Cape Breton Island”
Davis, Donald W.
- 2016 — With White, Chris E., Barr, Sandra M., Swanton, David S., Ketchum, John W.F., and Reynolds, Peter H., “Field relations, age, and tectonic setting of metamorphic and plutonic rocks in the Creignish Hills – North Mountain area, southwestern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada”
Davis, L.
- 1992 — With Moore, M. Emory, Scott, W. J., and Solomon, S., “Detrital chromite concentrations, nearshore Port au Port Bay, Newfoundland”
de Roo, J, A.
- 1990 — With Moreton, C., Williams, P. F., and Staal, C. R., “The structure of the Heath Steele Mines region, Bathurst Camp, New Brunswick”
Deonarine, B.
Desplanque, Con
- 2004 — Avec Mossman, David J., “Tides and their seminal impact on the geology, geography, history, and socio-economics of the Bay of Fundy, eastern Canada”
- 1998 — Avec Mossman, David J., “A review of ice and tide observations in the Bay of Fundy”
Deveau, Kevin A.
- 1990 — With White, Chris E., Barr, Sandra M., and Bevier, Mary Lou, “Field relations, petrography, and age of plutonic units in the Saint John area of southern New Brunswick”
Dewey, Chris
Dickinson, P.C.
Dickson, M. L.
- 2004 — Avec Broster, B. E. et Parkhill, M. A., “Comparison of clast and matrix dispersal in till:”
Dickson, W. L.
- 1997 — With Donovan, S. K., Boyce, W. D., and Ash, J. S., “A new species of stalked crinoid (Echinodermata) of possible Late Silurian age from central Newfoundland”
Dill, Jr., Charles E.
- 1970 — With Swift, Donald J.P., Shideler, Gerald L., Avignone, Nicholas F., and Holliday, Barry W., “Quaternary sedimentation on the Inner Atlantic Shelf Between Cape Henry and Cape Hatteras: A Preliminary Report”
Dineley, D. L.
- 1966 — Avec Williams, B. P., “Studies on the Devonian Strata of Chaleur Bay, Quebec”
Dini, A.
- 2003 — With Westerman, D.S., Innocenti, F., and Rocchi, S., “When and where did hybridization occur?”
Dionne, Jean-Claude
- 2000 — Avec Bernatchez, Pascal, “Les erratiques de dolomie sur le rivage des Escoumins, Cote Nord de I'estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent, Quebec”
- 1979 — “Les Blocs d'estran a Saint-Fabien-Sur-Mer, Estuaire Maritime du Saint-Laurent, Quebec”
- 1977 — “Relicit Iceberg Furrows on the Floor of Glacial Lake Ojibwa, Quebec and Ontario”
- 1970 — “Exotic Pebbles in Quaternary Deposits from the South Coast of the St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec”
- 1968 — “Action of Shore Ice on the Tidal Flats of the St. Lawrence Estuary”
Dixon, Harold L.
- 1993 — With Pickerill, Ron K., Donovan, Stephen K., and Doyk, Eamon N., “Ichnology of the Palaeogene Richmond Formation of eastern Jamaica - the final chapter?”
Doig, R.
- 1990 — With Dallmeyer, R. D., Nance, R. D., and Murphy, J. B., “40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb mineral ages from the Brookville Gneiss: implications for terrane analysis and evolution of Avalonian "basement" in southern New Brunswick”
Donohoe, H. V.
- 1986 — Avec Keppie, J. Duncan et Halliday, A. N., “Two Rb-Sr Whole Rock Isochrons from Plutons In the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia, Canada”
Donohoe, Jr., Howard V.
- 1973 — Avec Pajarie, George, “The Age of the Acadian Deformation in Maine-New Brunswick”
Donovan, S. K.
- 1997 — With Dickson, W. L., Boyce, W. D., and Ash, J. S., “A new species of stalked crinoid (Echinodermata) of possible Late Silurian age from central Newfoundland”
Donovan, Stephen K.
- 2016 — Avec Keighley, David G., “Fossil crinoids from the basal West Point Formation (Silurian), southeastern Gaspé Peninsula, Québec, eastern Canada”
- 2016 — Avec Miller, Randall F., “Silurian crinoids of the New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, Canada”
- 2015 — “Ron K. Pickerill and the genesis of ichnology in the Antilles (Jamaica and Carriacou)”
- 2014 — Avec Miller, Randall F., “The camerate crinoid Scyphocrinites Zenker in the Upper Silurian or Lower Devonian of New Brunswick, Canada”
- 1995 — Avec Pickerill, Ron K., “A camerate crinoid from the Upper Silurian (Ludlow) Moydart Formation of Nova Scotia, Canada”
- 1994 — Avec Rhebergen, Freek, “A Lower Palaeozoic 'onychophoran' reinterpreted as a pelmatozoan (stalked echinoderm) column”
- 1994 — “Isocrinid crinoids from the late Cenozoic of Jamaica”
- 1993 — With Pickerill, Ron K., Doyk, Eamon N., and Dixon, Harold L., “Ichnology of the Palaeogene Richmond Formation of eastern Jamaica - the final chapter?”
- 1993 — Avec Young, Timothy P., “The eocrinoid Ascocystites Barrande (Echinodermata, Blastozoa) from the Middle Ordovician of central Portugal, with comments on the stratigraphy of the Brejo Fundeiro Formation”
Dorais, Michael J.
- 2009 — With Wintsch, Robert P., Nelson, Wendy R., and Tubrett, Michael, “Insights into the Acadian orogeny, New England Appalachians:”
- 2000 — Avec Watts, Brandon G. et Wintsch, Robert P., “Geochemistry of Early Devonian calc-alkaline plutons in the Merrimack Belt: implications for mid-Paleozoic terrane relationships in the New England Appalachians”
Dorais, Michael John
- 2014 — Avec Bothner, Wallace et Buchwaldt, Robert, “The Appledore Island pluton of the Rye Complex, coastal New Hampshire and Maine, USA: geochronological and chemical evidence for the affinity of an enigmatic terrane”
Dostal, J.
- 2002 — Avec Chatterjee, A. K., “Deep drill hole in the Devonian South Mountain batholith, Nova Scotia: a potential for hidden mineral deposits within the batholith”
- 1998 — With Keppie, J. D., Davis, D. W., and Horton, D. A., “Earliest Silurian supra-subduction magmatism in central Cape Breton Island”
- 1992 — With Hon, R., Fitzgerald, J. P., Sergent, S. L., Schwartz, W. D., and Keppie, J. D., “Silurian-Early Devonian mafic rocks of the Piscataquis volcanic belt in northern Maine”
- 1989 — “Geochemistry of Ordovician volcanic rocks of the Tetagouche Group of southwestern New Brunswick”
- 1986 — With Dupuy, C., Smith, P. K., and Kepple, J. D., “Anorthosltes and Gabbroic Bodies In Northern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia”
Dostal, J. middle
- 1983 — Avec Keppie, J. D. et Dupuy, C., “Petrology and geochemistry of Devono-Carboniferous volcanic rocks in Nova Scotia”
Dostal, Jarda
Dostal, Jaroslav
- 2010 — With Gray, Taryn R., McLeod, Malcolm, Keppie, Duncan, and Zhang, Yuanyuan, “Geochemistry of Carboniferous peralkaline felsic volcanic rocks, central New Brunswick, Canada:”
Douma, S. L.
Doyk, Eamon N.
- 1993 — With Pickerill, Ron K., Donovan, Stephen K., and Dixon, Harold L., “Ichnology of the Palaeogene Richmond Formation of eastern Jamaica - the final chapter?”
Doyle, Eibhlin M.
- 1983 — Avec Barr, Sandra M. et Trapasso, Linda S., “Geochemistry and tectonic implications of mafic sills in Lower Paleozoic formations of southwestern Nova Scotia”
Drage, J.
Drake, David
- 1973 — With Swift, Donald, Freeland, George, Hatcher, Patrick, Keller, George, Lavelle, William, Nelson, Terry, Stubblefield, William, Cok, Anthony E., and McKinney, Thomas, “Mesa: Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Analysis of Continental Margins”
Drapeau, G.
- 1965 — With Cok, A. E., Grant, D., James, N., Medioli, F., Silverburg, N., and Stanley, D. J., “Marine Geology Studies on the Scotlan Shelf and Slope”
Drapeau, Georges
Duff, P. Mcl. D.
- 1984 — Avec Vasey, G. M. et Zodrow, E. L., “Letter to the Editor”
- 1982 — Avec Forgeron, S. et van de Poll, H. W., “Upper Pennsylvanian sediment dispersal and paleochannel orientation in the western part of the Sydney Coalfield, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia”
Duffett, Thomas E.
- 1981 — Avec Scott, David B. et Williamson, Mark A., “Marsh foraminifera of Prince Edward Island: Their recent distribution and application for former sea level studies”
DuFrane, S. Andrew
- 2015 — With Pothier, Hayley D., Waldron, John W.F., White, Chris E., and Jamieson, Rebecca A., “Stratigraphy, provenance, and tectonic setting of the Lumsden Dam and Bluestone Quarry formations (Lower Ordovician), Halifax Group, Nova Scotia, Canada”
Dunn, Gilbert R.
- 1988 — Avec Lang, Helen M., “Low pressure metamorphism in the Orrs Island — Harpswell Neck area, Maine”
Dunning, G. R.
- 1995 — With Barr, S. M., Macdonald, A. S., and Arnott, A. M., “Field relations, structure, and geochemistry of the Fisset Brook Formation in the Lake Ainslie - Gillanders Mountain area, central Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia”
- 1995 — Avec Cormier, C.F.M. et Barr, S. M., “Geological setting and petrochemistry of early Middle Devonian volcanic and gabbroic rocks in the Guysborough area, Nova Scotia”
- 1994 — Avec Barr, S. M. et Grammatikopoulos, A. L., “Early Carboniferous gabbro and basalt in the St. Peters area, southern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia”
Dunning, Greg
- 2004 — Avec Kontak, David J. et Ham, Linda J., “U-Pb dating of the Musquodoboit Batholith, southern Nova Scotia:”
Dunning, Greg R.
- 2020 — With Barr, Sandra M., Johnson, Susan C., White, Chris E., Park, Adrian F., Wälle, Markus, and Langille, Amanda, “New Cryogenian, Neoproterozoic, and middle Paleozoic U–Pb zircon ages from the Caledonia terrane, southern New Brunswick, Canada: better constrained but more complex volcanic stratigraphy”
Dunning, Gregory R.
- 2018 — Avec Johnson, Susan C. et Miller, Brent V., “U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry from the northeastern New River belt, southern New Brunswick, Canada: significance of the Almond Road Group to the Ganderian platformal margin”
Dupuy, C.
- 1986 — With Dostal, J., Smith, P. K., and Kepple, J. D., “Anorthosltes and Gabbroic Bodies In Northern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia”
- 1983 — Avec Dostal, J. middle et Keppie, J. D., “Petrology and geochemistry of Devono-Carboniferous volcanic rocks in Nova Scotia”
Durling, P.
- 1995 — Avec Harvey, P. et Howells, K., “Geophysical evidence for thrust faulting in the Carboniferous Antigonish-Mabou Subbasin, Nova Scotia”
- 1993 — Avec Marillier, F., “Tectonic setting of Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous rocks in the Magdalen Basin”
- 1990 — Avec Marilliner, F., “Structural trends and basement rock subdivisions in the western Gulf of St Lawrence: Reply”
Durling, Paul W.
- 1990 — Avec Marillier, François J. Y., “Structural trends and basement rock subdivisions in the western Gulf of St. Lawrence, northern Appalachians”
Dwyer, Greg J. T.
- 1975 — With Piper, David J. W., Wightman, Daryl M., and Lewis, John F., “Late Quaternary Geology of Nain Bay, Labrador”
Dyke, Arthur S.