Authors Beginning With the Letter F
Faas, Richard W.
Fader, Gordon B.J.
- 2009 — Avec Wildish, David J. et Parrott, D. Russell, “A model of horse mussel reef formation in the Bay of Fundy based on population growth and geological processes”
Falcon-Lang, Howard J.
- 2010 — With Quann, Sarah L., Young, Amanda B., Laroque, Colin P., and Gibling, Martin R., “Dendrochronological dating of coal mine workings at the Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Nova Scotia, Canada”
- 2009 — “A Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri tree preserved in growth position in the Middle Pennsylvanian Sydney Mines Formation, Nova Scotia, Canada”
- 2009 — “Earliest history of coal mining and grindstone quarrying at Joggins, Nova Scotia, and its implications for the meaning of the place name "Joggins"”
- 2009 — “New Brunswick and Nova Scotia:”
- 2007 — “A Cordaixylon axis from well-drained alluvial plain facies in the Lower Pennsylvanian Joggins Formation of Nova Scotia”
- 2005 — “Adpressed tree-fern trunks from the Early Pennsylvanian Joggins Formation of Nova Scotia”
- 2005 — Avec Cader, John H., “Sir William Dawson (1820-1899):”
- 2005 — With Calder, John H., Rygel, Michael C., Ryan, R. J., and Herbert, Brian L., “Stratigraphy and sedimentology of early Pennsylvanian red beds at Lower Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada:”
- 2003 — “Anatomically-preserved cordaitalean trees from Lower Pennsylvanian (Langsettian) dryland alluvial-plain deposits at Joggins, Nova Scotia”
- 2003 — Avec Fensome, Robert A. et Venugopal, D.V., “The Cretaceous age of the Vinegar Hill silica sand deposit, southern New Brunswick:”
Fallara, F.
- 1995 — With Lavoie, D., Sangster, D. F., and Savard, M. M., “Multiple breccia events in the lower part of the Carboniferous Windsor Group, Nova Scotia”
Fallara, Francine
- 1996 — Avec Savard, Martine M. et Lynch, Greg, “Burial diagenesis model for the Macumber Formation on Cape Breton Island - implications for the tectonic evolution of the Windsor Group”
Farquhar, R. M.
Fay, Vincent
- 1988 — Avec van Wagner, Nancy A. et McNeil, Wayne, “Early Devonian bimodal volcanic rocks of Southwestern New Brunswick: petrography, stratigraphy, and depositional setting”
Feely, Martin
- 2003 — With Coleman, Drew, Baxter, Sadhbh, and Miller, Brent, “U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Galway Granite, Connemara, Ireland:”
Feetham, M.
- 1997 — With Ryan, R. J., Pe-Piper, G., and O'Beirne-Ryan, A.M., “Lithogeochemical characterization of the Beaverbank unit of the Halifax Formation, Meguma Group, and acid drainage implications”
Fenner, Peter
- 1968 — With Stanley, Daniel J., Kelling, Gilbert, and Swift, Donald J.P., “Marine Geological Investigation of the Wilmington Submarine Canyon Area”
Fensome, Robert
- 2021 — With Bujak, Jonathan, Mangerud, Gunn, and Williams, Graham, “Introduction to the “Circum-Arctic Palynological Event Stratigraphy” (CAPE) series of papers”
Fensome, Robert A.
- 2008 — With Crux, Jason A., Gard, I. Gunilla, MacRae, Andrew, Williams, Graham L., Thomas, Frank C., Fiorini, Flavia, and Wach, Grant, “The last 100 million years on the Scotian Margin, offshore eastern Canada: an event-stratigraphic scheme emphasizing biostratigraphic data”
- 2003 — Avec Falcon-Lang, Howard J. et Venugopal, D.V., “The Cretaceous age of the Vinegar Hill silica sand deposit, southern New Brunswick:”
- 1996 — With Wade, John A., Brown, David E., and Traverse, Alfred, “The Triassic-Jurassic Fundy Basin, eastern Canada: regional setting, stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential”
Fenton, Heather
- 1998 — Avec Spooner, Ian S. et Myers, Melody, “Influence of regional geology and hydrogeology on river habitat quality: examples from Mill Brook and Elderkin Brook, Kings County, Nova Scotia”
Ferguson, Laing
Fillion, D.
- 1984 — Avec Pickerill, R. K., “Systematic ichnology of the Middle Ordovician Trenton Group, St Lawrence Lowland, eastern Canada”
- 1983 — Avec Pickerill, R. K., “On the Tremadoc-Arenig and Lower-Upper Tremadoc boundries in the Bell Island Group, Conception Bay, eastern Newfoundland”
Fillion, Denis
- 1991 — Avec Pickerill, Ron. K. et Brenchley, Pat J., “A note on the occurrence of Arthrophycus in the Bell Island Group of eastern Newfoundland”
Fillon, Richard H.
Finck, P. V.
- 1988 — Avec Graves, R. H., “The provenance of tills overlying the eastern part of the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia”
Finkel, Zoe V.
- 2011 — Avec Grey, Melissa Grey, “The Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage site:”
Finley, Robert J.
Fiorini, Flavia
- 2008 — With Fensome, Robert A., Crux, Jason A., Gard, I. Gunilla, MacRae, Andrew, Williams, Graham L., Thomas, Frank C., and Wach, Grant, “The last 100 million years on the Scotian Margin, offshore eastern Canada: an event-stratigraphic scheme emphasizing biostratigraphic data”
Fitzgerald, J. P.
- 1992 — With Hon, R., Sergent, S. L., Schwartz, W. D., Dostal, J., and Keppie, J. D., “Silurian-Early Devonian mafic rocks of the Piscataquis volcanic belt in northern Maine”
Flint, A. G.
- 1983 — Avec van de Poll, H.W. et Patel, I.M., “Experiments in rheoplasis during sediment intrusion”
Foley, Robert
- 2011 — Avec Bell, Trevor et Liverman, David G.E., “Urban Geochemical Hazard Mapping of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada”
Forbes, D. L.
- 1993 — Avec Shaw, J. et Eddy, B. G., “Late Quaternary sedimentation and the postglacial sea-level minimum in Port au Port Bay and vicinity, west Newfoundland”
Forbes, W. B.
- 1977 — Avec Pickerill, R. K., “Bifungites of Halli from the Ordovician (Caradocian) Trenton Limestone of the Quebec City Area”
Forbes, W. H.
- 2001 — Avec Miller, R. F., “An Upper Carboniferous trigonotarbid, Aphantomartus pustulatus (Scudder, 1884), from the Maritimes Basin (Euramerican Coal Province), New Brunswick, Canada”
- 1988 — Avec Pickerill, R. K. et Fyffe, L. R., “Late Ordovician-Early Silurian trace fossils from the Matapedia Group, Tobique River, western New Brunswick, Canada. II. Additional discoveries with descriptions and comments”
- 1987 — Avec Pickerill, R. K. et Fyffe, L. R., “Late Ordovlcian-Early Silurian trace fossils from the Matapedia Group, Tobique River, western New Brunswick”
- 1985 — With Bruck, P. M., Nance, D., and Pickerill, R. K., “Beaconites antarcticus in the (?Middle) Late Devonian McAras Brook Formation, Cape George, Nova Scotia”
- 1983 — Avec Fyffe, L. R. et Riva, J., “Graptolites from the Benton area of west-central New Brunswick and their regional significance”
Force, Eric
Force, Eric R.
- 2012 — Avec Barr, Sandra M., “Provenance of the Lower Carboniferous Horton Group, Petit-de-Grat Island, Nova Scotia, as revealed by detrital zircon ages”
- 2006 — Avec Barr, Sandra M., “A Lower Carboniferous two-stage extensional basin along the Avalon–Meguma terrane boundary: evidence from southeastern Isle Madame, Nova Scotia”
Ford, K. L.
- 1992 — With Holman, P. B., Grant, J. A., and Carson, J. M., “Radioactivity Maps of Nova Scotia”
- 1986 — Avec Carson, J. M., “Application of Airborne Gamma Ray Spectrometric Surveys Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia”
Forgeron, S.
- 1982 — Avec Duff, P. Mcl. D. et van de Poll, H. W., “Upper Pennsylvanian sediment dispersal and paleochannel orientation in the western part of the Sydney Coalfield, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia”
Fox, D.
Fox, Don
- 2006 — Avec Parsons, Michael et Zentilli, Marcos, “Foreword: Special Issue: Environmental Geoscience Research in the Atlantic Region”
- 1997 — Avec Robinson, Clare et Zentilli, Marcos, “Pyrrhotite and associated sulphides and their relationship to acid rock drainage in the Halifax Formation, Meguma Group, Nova Scotia”
- 1997 — Avec Zentilli, Marcos, “Special Issue: Geology and mineralogy of the Meguma Group and their importance to environmental problems in Nova Scotia - Foreword”
Freeland, George
- 1973 — With Swift, Donald, Drake, David, Hatcher, Patrick, Keller, George, Lavelle, William, Nelson, Terry, Stubblefield, William, Cok, Anthony E., and McKinney, Thomas, “Mesa: Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Analysis of Continental Margins”
Fricker, A.
- 1987 — Avec Fyffe, L. R., “Tectonostratigraphic terrane analysis of New Brunswick”
Fricker, Aubrey
Friedman, Gerald M.
- 1970 — Avec Sanders, John E., “Integrated Continental-SheIf and Marginal Marine Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity”
- 1968 — Avec Blee, John J. et Baker, Seymour R., “Sedimentological Survey of Baffin Bay”
- 1966 — “Study of Continental Shelf and Slope on the Coasts of Long Island, N.Y., and New Jersey”
Friedman, Richard M.
- 2010 — With Barr, Sandra M., Mortensen, James K., and White, Chris E., “Age and petrology of the Machias Seal Island quartz monzodiorite, the southernmost rocks in New Brunswick, Canada”
Frydecki, J.
- 1991 — Avec Seguin, Maurice K. et Rondot, J., “La région de Charlevoix-Kamouraska (Québec): gravité et géologie”
Frydecki, Janusz
- 1991 — Avec Seguin, Maurice K., “Residual gravity modelling of the Mount Mégantic intrusive complex, Québec, Canada”
- 1989 — Avec Seguin, Maurice K. et Roy, Sylvie, “Modèle gravimétrique régional de l'intrusif du Mont Mégantic”
Fueten, F.
- 1986 — Avec Crocket, J. H. et Clifford, P. M., “Distribution and Localization of Gold in Meguma Group Rocks, Nova Scotia: Implications of Metal Distribution Patterns in Quartz Veins and Host Rocks on Mineralization Processes at Harrigan Cove, Halifax County”
- 1986 — With Clifford, P. M., Pryer, L. L., Crocket, J. H., and Thompson, M. J., “Formation of Spaced Cleavage and Concurrent Mass Removal of Si02, Meguma Goup Metagreywackes, Goldenville, Nova Scotia”
Fyffe, L. R.
- 2011 — With van Staal, C. R., Valverde-Vaquero, P., and McNicoll, V. J., “U-Pb Age of the Stanley Brook Granite, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, Canada”
- 2002 — Avec Miller, B. V., “Geochronology of the Letete and Waweig formations, Mascarene Group, southwestern New Brunswick”
- 2001 — “Stratigraphy and geochemistry of Ordovician volcanic rocks of the Eel River area, west-central New Brunswick”
- 1999 — Avec Pickerill, R. K. et Stringer, P., “Stratigraphy, sedimentology and structure of the Oak Bay and Waweig formations, Mascarene Basin: implications for the paleotectonic evolution of southwestern New Brunswick”
- 1999 — Avec Pickerill, R. K, “The stratigraphic significance of trace fossils from the Lower Paleozoic Baskahegan Lake Formation near Woodstock, west-central New Brunswick”
- 1994 — “A note on the geochemistry of some shales from the Bathurst-Newcastle Mining Camp, northern New Brunswick”
- 1992 — Avec Miller, R. F., “A note on reported plant fossils from the Flume Ridge area of southwestern New Brunswick”
- 1992 — Avec Winchester, J. A. et van Staal, C. R., “Ordovician volcanic and hypabyssal rocks in the central and southern Miramichi Highlands: their tectonic setting and relationship to contemporary volcanic rocks in northern New Brunswick”
- 1990 — Avec Riva, J., “Revised stratigraphy of the Cookson Group of southwestern New Brunswick and adjacent Maine”
- 1988 — Avec Pickerill, R. K. et Forbes, W. H., “Late Ordovician-Early Silurian trace fossils from the Matapedia Group, Tobique River, western New Brunswick, Canada. II. Additional discoveries with descriptions and comments”
- 1988 — Avec Stewart, D. B. et Ludman, Allan, “Tectonic significance of black pelites and basalts in the St. Croix Terrane, coastal Maine and New Brunswick”
- 1987 — Avec Pickerill, R. K. et Forbes, W. H., “Late Ordovlcian-Early Silurian trace fossils from the Matapedia Group, Tobique River, western New Brunswick”
- 1987 — Avec Fricker, A., “Tectonostratigraphic terrane analysis of New Brunswick”
- 1983 — Avec Forbes, W. H. et Riva, J., “Graptolites from the Benton area of west-central New Brunswick and their regional significance”
- 1981 — Avec Pajari, G. E. et Cherry, M. E., “The Acadian plutonic rocks of New Brunswick”
Fyffe, Les
- 2017 — With Mohammadi, Nadia, McFarlane, Christopher R.M., Thorne, Kay G., Lentz, David R., Charnley, Brittany, Branscombe, Laurin, and Butler, Sheena, “Geological relationships and laser ablation ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology of the Saint George Batholith, southwestern New Brunswick, Canada”
- 2001 — Avec Barr, Sanda M., “Foreword: Special Issue: Geological correlations between New Brunswick and Maine”
Fyffe, Leslie R.
- 2020 — Avec Gardiner, William W., “Investigation of Sheriff Stuart’s black granite quarries in Charlotte County, southwestern New Brunswick, Canada: implications for the source of the Titanic headstones in Halifax, Nova Scotia”
- 2013 — Avec Thorne, Kathleen G et Creaser, Robert A, “Re-Os geochronological constraints on the mineralizing events within the Mount Pleasant Caldera: implications for the timing of sub-volcanic magmatism”
- 2011 — Avec Johnson, Susan C. et van Staal, Cees R., “A review of Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic lithotectonic terranes in the northeastern Appalachian orogen of New Brunswick, Canada, and their tectonic evolution during Penobscot, Taconic, Salinic, and Acadian orogenesis”
- 2009 — With Barr, Sandra M., Johnson, Susan C., McLeod, Malcolm J., McNicoll, Vicky J., Valverde-Vaquero, Pablo, van Staal, Cees R., and White, Chris E., “Detrital zircon ages from Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic conglomerate and sandstone units of New Brunswick and coastal Maine:”
- 1990 — Avec St. Peter, Clinton J., “Structural trends and basement rock subdivisions in the western Gulf of St. Lawrence: Discussion”
Fyson, W. K.