Urban History Review
Revue d'histoire urbaine

Volume 14, numéro 3, february 1986

Sommaire (22 articles)

  1. An Editorial / Éditorial


  1. Communications and Urban Systems in Mid-Nineteenth Century Canada
  2. Clarence Street, Ottawa: Contemporary Change in an Inner City 'Zone of Discard'
  3. Housing in Canadian Cities: An Agenda and Review of Sources

Review Essays / Notes critiques

  1. Contributors
  2. Notes and Comments: Planning History Group; IUS Data Centre to be Computerized; Winnipeg Rivers—Expanding Our Vision; Forestry Artifacts Donated; International Year of Shelter for the Homeless; Management and Use of Local Government Records; Successful City Beautification Program; Sister Cities International; Urban Agriculture; Innovative Sewage Treatment System; Landfill Gas Recovery Site; Conferences; Publications

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Hodge, G.D., and M.A. Qadeer. Towns and Villages in Canada: The Importance of Being Unimportant. Toronto: Butterworths, 1983. Pp. xx, 250. Tables, figures, maps, illustrations. $19.95
  2. Lemon, James. Toronto Since 1918: An Illustrated History. Toronto: James Lorimer and Company, 1985. Pp. 224. Tables, maps, illustrations. $26.95
  3. Rudin, Ronald. Banking en français: The French Banks of Quebec, 1835-1925. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985. Pp. xiv, 188. Illustrations. $20.00 cloth; $9.95 paper
  4. Masson, Jack. Alberta's Local Governments and Their Politics. Edmonton: Pica Pica Press, 1985. Pp. xiii, 397. $15.00 paper
  5. Robert F. Harney, ed. Gathering Place: Peoples and Neighbourhoods of Toronto, 1834-1945. Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1985. Pp. 304. 22 black and white plates. $9.95
  6. McHugh, Patricia. Toronto Architecture, A City Guide. Toronto: Methuen for Mercury Books, 1985. Pp. 264. Illustrations. $14.95
  7. Cruickshank, Tom; Peter John Stokes; and John de Visser. The Settler's Dream: A Pictorial History of the Older Buildings of Prince Edward County. Picton: The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward, 1984. Pp. xvi, 454. Illustrations, maps, indices. $40.00
  8. Zukin, Sharon. Loft Living: Culture and Capital in Urban Change. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. Pp. 212. $18.50 (U.S.)
  9. Badcock, Blair. Unfairly Structured Cities. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984. Pp. xiii, 3985. $21.35
  10. Oldenburg, Veena Talwar. The Making of Colonial Lucknow, 1856-1877. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984. Pp. xxv, 287. Maps, tables, index. $32.50
  11. Faroqhi, Suraiya. Towns and Townsmen of Ottoman Anatolia: Trade, Crafts, and Food Production in an Urban Setting, 1520-1650. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization, 1984. Pp. xiv, 425. Tables, maps, illustrations, glossary, indices. $59.50 (U.S.)
  12. Silver, Christopher. Twentieth Century Richmond: Planning, Politics, and Race. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1984. Pp. x, 342. Black and white plates, maps, tables, index. $29.95 (U.S.)
  13. Steffen, Charles. The Mechanics of Baltimore: Workers and Politics in the Age of Revolution, 1763-1812. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984. Pp. xv, 296. Maps, tables, notes, index. $24.95 (U.S.)
  14. Kostof, Spiro. A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals. Oxford University Press, New York, 1985. Pp. 788. More than 885 illustrations including numerous original drawings, maps, a glossary of architectural terms, bibliographies, index. $39.95 pb.

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