Urban History Review
Revue d'histoire urbaine

Volume 47, numéro 1-2, fall 2018, spring 2019 Bad Behaviours and Disorderly Public Spaces Incivilités et désordres dans l’espace public Sous la direction de Daniel Ross et Matthieu Caron

Sommaire (10 articles)


  1. Bad Behaviours and Disorderly Public Spaces


  1. The Romance of Boys Bathing in Toronto’s Don River, 1890–1930
  2. Framing the Boy Problem in the Early Twentieth Century: The Willie Doherty Murder of 1902
  3. Taming the Jungle in the City: Uprooting Trees, Bushes, and Disorder from Mount Royal Park
  4. L’émeute des tramways de Montréal (1955) et la mauvaise conduite des étudiants : un cas d’appropriation de l’espace urbain
  5. “Undesirables Entering the Town to Look for Good Times”: Banff Confronts Its Counterculture Youth Scene, 1965–1971
  6. The Politics of Public Space: Toronto’s Yonge Street Pedestrian Mall, 1971–1974
  7. Bad Bastards?: Tattooing, Health, and Regulation in Twentieth-Century Vancouver

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