RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne
Canadian Art Review

Volume 9, Number 1-2, 1982

Table of contents (34 articles)


  1. From Turtura to Alfanus: Funerary Monuments in Early Mediaeval Rome
  2. Here Today and Gone Tomorrow: Jasper F. Cropsey's ‘The Backwoods of America’
  3. The Cool Twilight of Luxurious Chambers: Alma-Tadema's ‛A Dealer in Statues’
  4. Paul Gauguin's Paintings, 1886-91 Cloisonism, Synthetism and Symbolism

Notes & Documents

  1. Trente-cinq tableaux inédits de Théophile Hamel
  2. The Walker Journals: Reminiscences of John Lavery and William Holman Hunt
  3. A Canadian Allegory by Rodolphe Bresdin: ‘L’Apothéose de Cartier’
  4. Picabia's ‘Caoutchouc’ and the Threshold of Abstraction
  5. Two Exotic Horse Paintings by Eugène Delacroix
  6. Further Notes concerning the Halifax Art Exhibitions of 1830 and 1831

Conférences / Conferences

Expositions / Exhibitions

Livres / Books

  1. Kerry Downes, Hawksmoor. Second edition. Cambridge (Mass.), mit Press, 1980. 298 + xvi pp., 46 figs., 96 illus., 55,00 $
  2. Philippe Verdier, Le couronnement de la Vierge : Les origines et les premiers développements d’un thème iconographique. Montréal, Institut d’études médiévales Albert-le-Grand, 1980. 276 p., 92 illus., 45,00$
  3. Robert Caron, Un couvent du XIXe siècle : La maison des Soeurs de la Charité de Québec. Québec, Éditions Libre Expression, 1980. 148 p., illus., 9,95 $
  4. Louis Janover, Surréalisme, art et politique. Paris, Éditions Galilée, 1980 (Débats). 213 p., 27,00$
  5. Jean-Pierre Keller, Pop Art et évidence du quotidien. Lausanne, l’Âge d’Homme, 1979. 190 p., 53 illus.
  6. E.G. Gombrich, The Sense of Order: A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art. Ithaca (n.y.), Cornell University Press, 1979 (The Wrightsman Lectures, delivered under the auspices of the New York University of Fine Arts). 411 + xi p., 90 illus., 38,50 $
  7. Richard Krautheimer, Rome. Profile of a City, 312-1308. Princeton (n.j.), Princeton University Press, 1980. 390 pp., 260 illus., 50,00$
  8. John Dixon Hunt, ed., Journal of Garden History; an International Quarterly. London, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Vol. 1, No. 1 (January-March 1981). 111 pp., illus., 70,00$ annual
  9. Stephanie Barron and Maurice Tuchman, eds., The Avant-Garde in Russia, 1910-1930: New Perspectives. Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1980. 288 pp., illus., 27,50$ / Margit Rowell and Angelica Zander Rudenstine, Art of the Avant-Garde in Russia: Selections from the George Costakis Collection. New York, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1981. 320 pp., illus., 17,00$ (paper)
  10. Reesa Greenberg, The Drawings of Alfred Pellan (disp. en français sous le titre : les Dessins d’Alfred Pellan). Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, 1980. 150 + x p., 88 illus. / w.j. Keith et b.-z. Shek (édit.), The Arts in Canada: The Last Fifty Years. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1980. 157 + viii p., illus., 20,00 $ (relié), 6,95 $ (broché)
  11. Jörg Schellmann et Bernd Klüser, édit., Joseph Beuys : Multiples, Catalogue Raisonné, Multiples and Prints, 1965-80. New York, Columbia University Press, 1981. 18 p. (allemand-anglais), 263 illus., 15,00 $ (broché) / Carl André et Hollis Frampton, 12 Dialogues 1962-1963. Halifax, The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1980 (The Nova Scotia Series: Source Materials of the Contemporary Arts). 134 p., illus.
  12. James A. Speyer (édit.), The Art Institute of Chicago: Twentieth-Century European Paintings. Chicago, University of Chicago Press (Chicago Visual Library), 1981. 82 + ix p., 299 illus. couleur sur microfiches, 60,00 $
  13. Creighton E. Gilbert, Italian Art 1400-1500. Englewood Cliffs (n.j.), Prentice-Hall, 1980 (Sources and Documents in the History of Art Series). 226 + xxvii pp., 1 illus., 11,95 $
  14. John Summerson, The Life and Work of John Nash, Architect. Cambridge, (Mass.), The mit Press, 1980. 217 pp., 48 illus., 35,00 $
  15. Gillian Naylor, The Arts and Crafts Movement: A Study of its Sources, Ideals and Influence on Design Theory. Cambridge (Mass.), the mit Press, 1980. 260 p., 106 illus., 10,95$
  16. William R. Biers, The Archaeology of Greece. An Introduction. Ithaca et Londres, Cornell University Press, 1980. 343 p., front., 11 photos coul. et 400 illus. noir et blanc, 29,95$ (relié)
  17. Lee Johnson, The Paintings of Eugène Delacroix: A Critical Catalogue, 1816-1831. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1981. Vol. i, Text; Vol. ii, Plates, 299,95 $
  1. Livres Communiqués / Books Received

Acquisitions principales / Principal Acquisitions

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