Canadian Medical Education Journal
Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale

Volume 14, Number 3, 2023

Table of contents (29 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

Original Research / Recherche originale

  1. S’outiller pour mieux participer à la rétroaction : un nouveau modèle cognitivo-comportemental destiné aux apprenants en médecine
  2. Canadian medical student perceptions of the Choosing Wisely Canada campaign
  3. The Rural Road Map for Action: An examination of undergraduate medical education in Canada

Reviews, Theoretical Papers, and Meta-Analyses / Articles de synthèse, articles théoriques et méta-analyses

  1. On the advantages and disadvantages of virtual continuing medical education: A scoping review
  2. A scoping review for designing a disability curriculum and its impact for medical students

Brief Reports / Communications brèves

  1. The role of collaboration and mentorship in the publication of surgical resident research
  2. Simulation vs workplace-based assessment in resuscitation: A cross-specialty descriptive analysis and comparison
  3. The timing of booster sessions may not improve resuscitation skill retention among healthcare providers: A randomized controlled trial

Black Ice / Terrain glissant

  1. Six ways to maximize survey response rates: Lessons from a medical school accreditation survey in a Canadian setting

You Should Try This / Osez l’expérience !

  1. Call of the wild: Creating a formal wilderness medicine elective for Canadian pre-clerkship medical students
  2. Introducing medical students to deep learning through image labelling: A new approach to meet calls for greater artificial intelligence fluency among medical trainees
  3. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion moments to raise Equity, Diversity and Inclusion literacy among physician leaders
  4. Near-peer tutoring: An effective adjunct for virtual anatomy learning
  5. Cartographier en 3D avec MapIt : une plus-value pour un parcours de professionnalisation selon la perspective étudiante
  6. Mini Med School: Why you should try a virtual, medical student-led program
  7. Addressing healthcare barriers faced by asylum seekers and refugees through an interprofessional symposium
  8. Anticoagulation management: An interdisciplinary curriculum for family medicine residents

Canadiana / Canadiana

  1. Creating change: Kotter’s Change Management Model in action

Commentary and Opinions / Commentaires et Opinions

  1. Tackling implicit bias towards Indigenous peoples in Canadian health care through Canadian medical education
  2. Towards an autonomy-supportive model of wellness in Canadian medical education

Letters to the Editor / Lettre à l’éditeur

  1. Taking the PULSE mentorship program “virtual”: Reflections by the program coordinators
  2. Medical students benefit from becoming peer reviewers
  3. In solidarity with anti-racism leaders in Canadian medical education

Guest Editorial / Éditorial invité

  1. International Congress on academic medicine shines bright with unprecedented success
  2. Le Congrès international de médecine universitaire connaît un succès sans précédent


Images / Images

  1. Bearer of bad news
  2. Celebrating synergy


Back issues of Canadian Medical Education Journal / Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale