Authors Beginning With the Letter T
Taggard, Mindy Nancarrow
Taklif : فیکلت
- 2018 — With Sivanesan, Haema, Day, Pip, Rice, Ryan, Fisher, Jennifer, Drobnick, Jim, Edmonds, Pamela, Marsden, Scott, Burisch, Nicole, Bélidor, Eunice, Clausen, Barbara, Kwan, Vanessa, Chainey Gagnon, Vicky, Gewurtz, Michelle, Fontaine, Dominique, St-Laurent, Stefan, Leblanc, Véronique, Arseneault, Jordan, lemoine, kimura byol-nathalie, Lee, Chris, Tanaka, Maiko, and Bhagwati, Sandeep, “Curator's Statements”
Tanaka, Maiko
- 2018 — With Sivanesan, Haema, Day, Pip, Rice, Ryan, Fisher, Jennifer, Drobnick, Jim, Edmonds, Pamela, Marsden, Scott, Burisch, Nicole, Bélidor, Eunice, Clausen, Barbara, Kwan, Vanessa, Chainey Gagnon, Vicky, Gewurtz, Michelle, Fontaine, Dominique, St-Laurent, Stefan, Leblanc, Véronique, Arseneault, Jordan, lemoine, kimura byol-nathalie, Lee, Chris, Taklif : فیکلت, and Bhagwati, Sandeep, “Curator's Statements”
Tatham, David
Taunton, Carla
- 2017 — Avec Igloliorte, Heather, “Introduction”
Téllez Niemeyer, Valeria
Tembeck, Tamar
Terry, Andrea
- 2022 — “Beverly Lemire, Laura Peers, and Anne Whitelaw, eds., Object Lives and Global Histories in Northern North America: Material Culture in Motion, c. 1780–1980, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2021, 560 pp. 105 photos, 10 maps $ 140.00 (cloth) ISBN 9780228003984 $ 44.95 (paper) ISBN 9780228003991”
- 2021 — “Natalie Alvarez, Claudette Lauzon, and Keren Zaiontz, eds., Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times: Performance Actions in the Americas, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 343 pp. 24 b/w and 10 colour illus., $139.99 US (hardcover) ISBN 9783030115562, $109.00 US (eBook) ISBN 9783030115579”
- 2021 — “Shelley Hornstein, Architectural Tourism: Site-Seeing, Itineraries and Cultural Heritage, London: Lund Humphries Publishers, 2020, 192 pp. 25 colour, 75 b&w illus., $ 89 US ISBN 9781848222274”
- 2020 — Avec Holmes, Kristy A. et Wood, Lisa, “« L'inertie bienveillante » : la radicalisation de l'académie paresseuse”
- 2020 — Avec Holmes, Kristy A. et Wood, Lisa, ““Good Willed Inertia”: Radicalizing the Lazy Academy”
- 2018 — “Anne Whitelaw, Spaces and Places for Art: Making Art Institutions in Western Canada, 1912-1990, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017, 352 pp. 58 b/w illus $39.95 (paper) ISBN : 9780773550322”
- 2018 — Avec Wark, Jayne, ““Make Some Noise”: Precarity, Dialogue, and Professional Development”
- 2015 — “The Currency of Alex Colville”
- 2013 — “Kristina Huneault and Janice Anderson, eds., Rethinking Professionalism: Women and Art in Canada, 1870–1970, Montreal and Kingston, McGill Queen's University Press, 2012, 472 pp., 140 colour illustrations, $65, ISBN 9780773539662 Lianne McTavish, Defining The Modern Museum: A Case Study of the Challenges of Exchange, (Cultural Spaces), Toronto, University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, 2013, 240 pp., $50, ISBN 9781442644434”
- 2007 — Avec Osborne, John, “Un canadien errant: Charles Smeaton and the earliest photographs of the Roman Catacombs”
Teti, Matthew
The Editorial Staff / La rédaction
- 1976 — “Another milestone”
- 1976 — “Now into our fourth year...”
- 1975 — “One year later...”
- 1974 — “Our raison d'être”
The Editors
- 1980 — “Two Looks at the Art Press”
The Editors / La Rédaction
- 1983 — “Editorial”
The Editors / L'équipe de rédaction
- 2014 — “Editorial Note”
The Editors / Les Rédacteurs
- 2014 — “Editorial Introduction”
Theodore, David
Therrien, Lyne
Therrien, Marie-Josée
Thom, Ian M.
- 1981 — “Livres”
Thomas, Alex J.
- 1978 — Avec Thomas, Christopher A., “Canadian Showcase, Chicago, 1893”
Thomas, Christopher
- 1999 — “Kevin D. Murphy, Memory and Modernity: Viollet-le-Duc at Vézelay. University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000, xiv + 200 pp., 53 black-and-white illus., $45 (U.S.)”
- 1992 — “Michael Snodin, editor, Karl Friedrich Schinkel: A Universal Man. New Haven and London, Yale University Press in association with the Victoria and Albert Museum, 1991, 218 pp., cloth and paper editions”
Thomas, Christopher A.
- 2004 — “Slippery Talk of Parliament's Architecture: Canadian, Canadian British, or Anglo-American?”
- 1986 — “A High Sense of Calling: Joseph Connolly, A.W. Holmes, and their Buildings for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto, 1885-1935”
- 1978 — Avec Thomas, Alex J., “Canadian Showcase, Chicago, 1893”
Thomas, Yves
Thurlby, Malcolm
- 2009 — “Peter Richardson and Douglas Richardson, photographs by John de Visser, Canadian Churches: An Architectural History. Buffalo, NY, Richmond Hill, ON, Firefly Books, 2007, 438 pp., 400 colour illust., $85 Cdn., ISBN-13: 978-1554072392”
- 2004 — “J. Philip McAleer, Rochester Cathedral, 604–1540: An Architectural History. Toronto, Buffalo, and London, University of Toronto Press, 1999, 314 pp., 108 illus., $70 Cdn”
- 2001-2003 — “Dominic Marner, St Cuthbert: His Life and Cult in Medieval Durham. Toronto and Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 2000, 112 pp., 15 black-and-white illus. and 46 in colour, ISBN 0-8020-3518-3”
- 1986 — “Linda Seidel, Songs of Glory: The Romanesque Façades of Aquitaine. Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1981. 220 pp., 63 illus., $33.75 (cloth)”
- 1986 — “The North Transept Doorway of Lichfield Cathedral: Problems of Style”
- 1985 — “Paul Williamson, Catalogue of Romanesque Sculpture. London, Victoria and Albert Museum. 1983. 118 pp., 108 illus.”
Tinh, Tram Tan
- 1979 — “Livres”
Tippett, Maria
Tite, Catherine
- 2009 — “Michael Snodin and Nigel Llewellyn, eds.; assisted by Joanna Norman, Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence, 1620–1800. Exhibition catalogue, London, V&A Publishing, 2009, 372 pp., 170 colour illust., $95, ISBN-978-1-85177-558-3”
- 2004 — “Carol Gibson-Wood, Jonathan Richardson: Art Theorist of the English Enlightenment. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2000, 264 pp., 89 black-and-white illus., $75 U.S.”
Tokumitsu, Miya
Tousignant, Zoë
Townsend-Gault, Charlotte
Trépanier, France
- 2016 — Avec Creighton-Kelly, Chris, “La langue de l'autre (The Language of the Other)”
Tresidder, Warren
Tritschler, Thomas
Trottein, Gwendolyn
- 2012 — “Idea et disegno : les projets de Cellini pour le sceau de l'Académie”
- 2012 — “Of Idea in Art: In the Guise of an Introduction”
- 2009 — “Drawing Comparisons: Cellini's Perseus Liberating Andromeda and the Paragone Debate”
- 2005 — “Michael W. Cole, Cellini and the Principles of Sculpture. Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press, 2002, 246 pp., 8 colour, 58 black-and-white illus., $121.95 Cdn, ISBN 0-521-81321-2 Margaret A. Gallucci, Benvenuto Cellini. Sexuality, Masculinity, and Artistic Identity in Renaissance Italy. New York, N.Y., Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, 214 pp., 16 black-and-white illus., $95.95 Cdn, ISBN 1-4039-6107-7, paperback, $30.95 Cdn, ISBN 1-4039-6896-9 Alessandro Nova and Anna Schreurs, eds, Benvenuto Cellini. Kunst und Kunsttheorie im 16. Jahrhundert. Cologne, Böhlau Verlag, 2003, 413 pp., 228 black-and-white illus., €64, ISBN 3-412-11002-7”
- 2001-2003 — “Ilse E. Friesen, The Female Crucifix: Images of St Wilgefortis Since the Middle Ages. Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2001, 208 pp., 22 colour, 4 black-and-white illus., $45.00 Cdn, ISBN 0-88920-365-2”
- 2000 — “Le Problème de l'ornement chez Cellini : théorie, iconographie et humanisme”
- 1998 — “Kathryn Brush, The Shaping of Art History. Wilhelm Vöge, Adolph Goldschmidt, and the Study of Medieval Art. Cambridge and New York, Cambridge University Press, 1996, 263pp., 28 black-and-white illus., $69.95 (U.S.)”
Trottein, Serge
Trottier, Maude
Trudel, Jean
Tuer, Dot
Tumasonis, Elizabeth
Turbide, Chantal
Twyman, Michael