Authors Beginning With the Letter G
Gendron, Claude
Giles, Graham
- 2007 — Avec Delgado Vintimilla, Cristina, “The Opacity of the Self, Sovereignty & Freedom: In Conversation with Arendt, Butler & Derrida”
Gilham, Christopher
- 2014 — Avec Jardine, David W. et McCaffrey, Graham, “The Pedagogy of Suffering: Four Fragments”
Gilham, Christopher M.
Gislason, Neil
Gohier, Christiane
Gonzalez, Fabiana
- 2014 — With Walsh, Susan, Joy, Phillip, and MacAulay, Kim, ““But are we going to deal with the hard questions?”: Waves of Compassion in Halifax Regional Municipality”
Gordon, Mordechai