Authors Beginning With the Letter M
Madjnonian, Baris
- 2000 — Avec Hosseini, Seyed Mohammad et Nieuwenhuis, Maarten, “Damage to Natural Regeneration in the Hyrcanian Forests of Iran:”
Magagnotti, Natascia
- 2011 — Avec Visser, Rien et Spinelli, Raffaele, “Landing Characteristics for Harvesting Operations in New Zealand”
- 2010 — Avec Spinelli, Raffaele et Picchi, Gianni, “Deploying Mechanized Cut-to-Length Technology in Italy:”
- 2009 — Avec Spinelli, Raffaele et Nati, Carla, “Options for the Mechanized Processing of Hardwood Trees in Mediterranean Forests”
- 2005 — Avec Spinelli, Raffaele et Hartsough, Bruce R., “Testing Mobile Chippers for Chip Size Distribution”
Mäkinen, Pekka
Malinen, Jukka
- 2004 — Avec Palander, Teijo, “Metrics for Distribution Similarity Applied to the Bucking to Demand Procedure”
- 2004 — With Palander, Teijo, Väätäinen, Janne, and Laukkanen, Sanna, “Modeling Backhauling on Finnish Energy-Wood Network Using Minimizing of Empty Routes”
- 2001 — Avec Maltamo, Matti et Harstela, Pertti, “Application of Most Similar Neighbor Inference for Estimating Marked Stand Characteristics Using Harvester and Inventory Generated Stem Databases”
Maltamo, Matti
- 2011 — With Bollandsås, Ole Martin, Gobakken, Terje, Lien, Vegard, and Næsset, Erik, “Prediction of Timber Quality Parameters of Forest Stands by Means of Small Footprint Airborne Laser Scanner Data”
- 2001 — Avec Malinen, Jukka et Harstela, Pertti, “Application of Most Similar Neighbor Inference for Estimating Marked Stand Characteristics Using Harvester and Inventory Generated Stem Databases”
Marcea, R. L.
- 1992 — Avec Lau, K. K., “Carbon Dioxide Implications of Building Materials”
Marshall, Hamish
- 2003 — Avec Murphy, Glen, “Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Weighbridge Systems”
Martin, A. A.
- 2001 — With Holden, N. M., Owende, P. M.O., and Ward, S. M., “A Method For Relating GPS Performance To Forest Canopy”
Martin, A. M.
- 1999 — With Owende, P. M. O., O'Mahony , M. J., and Ward, S. M., “Estimation of the Serviceability of Forest Access Roads”
Martin, Audrey A.
- 2001 — With Holden, Nicholas M., Owende, Philip M., and Ward, Shane M., “The Effects of Peripheral Canopy on DGPS Performance on Forest Roads”
Marx, Brian D.
- 2003 — With Lefort, Jr., Albert J., de Hoop, Cornelis F., and Pine, John C., “Characteristics of Injuries in the Logging Industry of Louisiana, USA:”
Matsuo, T.
- 1992 — With Sakai, H., Murayama, S., Hoshino, H., and Nagashima, R., “Geometry of a Four-Wheel-Steered Off-Road Vehicle”
Mattila, Jouni
- 2002 — Avec Inberg, Juha et Virvalo, Tapio, “Harvester Boom Tip Acceleration Control During a Crosscutting -”
Mattila, Salla
- 2005 — With Kärhä, Kalle, Jouhiaho, Aki, and Mutikainen, Arto, “Mechanized Energy Wood Harvesting from Early Thinnings”
Matzka, Peter J.
- 2008 — With Keyes, Christopher R., Wright, Kevin C., Glebocki, Radoslaw, and Han, Han-Sup, “Early Precommercial Thinning of Redwood Sprout Clumps:”
Mayo, Jefferson
- 2006 — With Egan, Andrew, Annis, Isaac, Greene, W. Dale, and de Hoop, Cornelis, “Unused Logging Production Capacity in Northern New England, USA”
McConchie, M.
McCormack, R. J.
- 1990 — “TRUCKSIM -”
McDonald, T. P.
- 1995 — Avec Stokes, B. J. et Aust, W. M., “Soil Physical Property Changes After Skidder Traffic With Varying Tire Widths”
McDonald, Timothy
- 2005 — Avec Valenzuela, Jourge F et Balci, H. Hakan, “A Transportation-Scheduling System for Managing Silvicultural Projects”
McDonald, Timothy P.
- 1997 — Avec Sexias, Fernando, “Effect of Slash on Forwarder Soil Compaction”
McDonnell, Kevin
McFarlane, Harold W.
- 2000 — “DELIVERY --”
McKelvey, Peter
McLean, Linda
- 1998 — Avec Rickards, Jeremy, “Ergonomics Codes of Practice:”
McMahon, S.
McNee, Joseph F.
- 1999 — Avec Stokes, Bryce J. et Brinker, Richard, “Graduate Programs in Forest Engineering and Forest Operations:”
McNeel, J. F.
- 1997 — Avec Dodd, K. K., “Improving Cable Thinning System Productivity by Modifying Felling Phase Operations”
- 1994 — Avec Rutherford , D., “Modelling Harvester-Forwarder System Performance in a Selection Harvest”
- 1992 — Avec Ballard, T. M., “Analysis of Site Stand Impacts from Thinning with a Harvester-Forwarder System”
McNeel, Joe
- 2004 — With Wang, Jingxin, LeDoux, Chris B., and Vanderberg, Mike, “Log Damage and Value Loss Associated with Two Ground-Based Harvesting Systems in Central Appalachia”
McNeel, Joseph F.
Meimban, Roger J.
- 1992 — With Mendoza, Guillermo A., Araman, Philip, and Luppold, William, “A Simulation Model for a Hardwood Sawmill Decision Support System”
Mellgren, P. G.
Mendoza, Guillermo A.
- 1992 — With Meimban, Roger J., Araman, Philip, and Luppold, William, “A Simulation Model for a Hardwood Sawmill Decision Support System”
Merry, Frank D.
- 2003 — Avec Zweede, Johan C. et Dias, Andre, “Three Years After:”
Miles , John A.
- 1992 — With Gao, Chengxian, Hartsough, Bruce, and Frank, Andrew A., “Modeling the Obstacle Performance of Cable-Towed Vehicles”
Miller Jr., M.
- 1996 — Avec Kellogg, L. D. et Milota, G. V., “A Comparison of Skyline Harvesting Costs for Alternative Commercial Thinning Prescriptions”
Milota, G. V.
- 1996 — Avec Kellogg, L. D. et Miller Jr., M., “A Comparison of Skyline Harvesting Costs for Alternative Commercial Thinning Prescriptions”
Miyake, T.
- 1990 — With Kanzaki, K., Ohasi, K., and Deki, T., “On Capillary Path Systems In Steep Mountain Areas”
Miyata, E. S.
- 1997 — Avec Suzuki, Y. et Iverson, S. C., “Static Equilibrium of the Triangular Running Skyline System:”
Miyata, Edwin S.
- 2007 — With Aruga, Kazuhiro, Chung, Woodam, Akay, Abdullah, and Sessions, John, “Incorporating Soil Surface Erosion Prediction into Forest Road Alignment Optimization”
Moffat, A J
- 2003 — Avec Wood, M J et Carling, P A, “Improving the Design of Slash Roads Used to Reduce Soil Disturbance During Mechanised Harvesting of Coniferous Forest Plantations in the UK”
Mohamed, A. M.O.
- 1991 — Avec Xu, D. M. et Yong, R. N., “Modeling of Tyre-Clay Soil Interaction via Quasi-Static Moving Boundary Displacement Method”
Morris, Dave
- 2012 — With Wiebe, Scott, Luckai, Nancy, and Reid, Doug, “Coarse Woody Debris Dynamics Following Biomass Harvesting:”
Murayama, S.
- 1992 — With Sakai, H., Matsuo, T., Hoshino, H., and Nagashima, R., “Geometry of a Four-Wheel-Steered Off-Road Vehicle”
- 1991 — Avec Sakai, H. et Akabane, Y., “Felling by a Five-Legged Walking Machine”
Murphy, G.
- 1992 — Avec Twaddle, A., “A Simulation of the Impact of Pre-emptive Cutting for Transportation on Value Recovery”
Murphy, Glen
- 2011 — Avec Dowding, Bodie, “Estimating Within Tree Spatial Changes in Acoustic Velocity in Felled Douglas-fir Stems”
- 2011 — Avec Pilkerton, Stephen J., “Seasonal Impacts on Bark Loss for Douglas-fir and Ponderosa Pine Harvested on the Pacific Northwest Coast of the USA”
- 2005 — Avec Wing, Michael G., “Road Sediment Yields from Dispersed Versus Clustered Forest Harvesting Activity:”
- 2003 — Avec Marshall, Hamish, “Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Weighbridge Systems”
- 2003 — “Procedures for Scanning Radiata Pine Stem Dimensions and Quality on Mechanised Processors”
- 1998 — “Allocation of Stands and Cutting Patterns to Logging Crews Using a Tabu Search Heuristic”
Murphy, Glen E.
- 2010 — With Lang, Amanda H., Baker, Shawn A., and Greene, W. Dale, “Individual Stem Value Recovery of Modified and Conventional Treelength Systems in the Southeastern United States”
- 2008 — Avec Amishev, Dzhamal, “Implementing Resonance-Based Acoustic Technology on Mechanical Harvesters/Processors for Real-Time Wood Stiffness Assessment:”
- 2007 — Avec Toman, Elizabeth M. et Skaugset, Arne E., “An Analysis of Opportunity Costs with Wet-Weather Timber Hauling”
- 1997 — Avec Tian, Xin, “Detection of Trimmed and Occluded Branches on Harvested Tree Stems using Texture Analysis”
Mutikainen, Arto
- 2005 — With Kärhä, Kalle, Jouhiaho, Aki, and Mattila, Salla, “Mechanized Energy Wood Harvesting from Early Thinnings”