Authors Beginning With the Letter A
Aitken, Robert
- 1986 — With Charpentier, Gabriel, Prévost, André, Schafer, R. Murray, Mather, Bruce, Beecroft, Norma, Rea, John, Papineau-Couture, Jean, Evangelista, José, Lauber, Anne, Morel, François, Tremblay, Gilles, and Boulez, Pierre, “In Memoriam Serge Garant”
Albèra, Philippe
- 1983 — “Matériau et composition”
Albright, Daniel
Andrews, Bernard W.
Anhalt, Istvan
Arom, Simha
Aubert, Laurent
- 1987 — Avec Brailoiu, Constantin, “Voyage Musical aux Asturies”
Austin, Larry