Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice
Études critiques sur le genre, la culture, et la justice

Volume 45, Number 2, 2024 Take Back the Future: 2023 Women’s, Gender, Social Justice Association (formerly Women’s and Gender Studies et Recherches Feministes) Conference

Imagining Futures of Care is a digital mural created as part of the research project Fostering Dialogues, an arts-based action research project imagining futures of community-based care with homecare personal support workers (PSWs) and LGBTQ older adults. This project explored the potential of arts-based engagement to create connections among LGBTQ older adults and PSWs and inspire imaginings about futures of community-based care. The intention of the mural, composed of multiple layers of participants’ art works, is to highlight shared and distinct realities that LGBTQ older adults and PSWs face and to inspire collective conversation. The mural image was facilitated by social artist Melanie Schambach and the project was co-led with Celeste Pang and Brittany Jakubiec at Egale Canada, with funding from a CIHR Catalyst Grant.

Table of contents (18 articles)


Original Research / Recherche originale

  1. Discourses of Disavowal: Gendered Anti-Blackness in State and Media Strip-Search Archives
  2. The Poverty Police: Police-Proxy University Services and Homelessness
  3. Invisiblizing Trans Homelessness: The Prefiguration of Cis Homelessness through Homelessness Counts
  4. "Shared and Collective Stress": 2SLGBTQI and Allied Mental Healthcare Providers' Experiences and Challenges During COVID-19 in Canada
  5. Taking Back Curriculum: Feminist Innovations towards Nonviolent Futures
  6. The Subjectivity and Futurity of the Asian Canadian Woman
  7. What Girls Want: An Affective Reading of Using Pair Interviewing Methods to Research Activist Girls and Their Relationships with Their Mothers and Mother Figures
  8. “We’re less noticeable to people”: Centering Tween Girl Activist Citizenship
  9. Body Modification as Body Art: Aging, Abjection, and Autothanatology
  10. The Bar Butch in the Attic: Lesbian Hauntings in Jane Rule’s “In the Attic of the House”

Research Notes

  1. Reflections from “Revisioning Feminist Engagements with Madness”: Borderline, Futurity, and Debility
  2. “I’m not discriminating against you, but…”: Navigating Fertility Assistance as a Fat, Single Woman
  3. Gendered Emotional Labour in Academia: Not Receiving but Expected to Give
  4. Relational Practices in Arts-Based Research: A Roundtable Reflection on the Fostering Dialogues Project
  5. The Feminist XResistance Project: Reflections and Commentary

Original Literary Work / Oeuvres littéraires

  1. Feminist Things Rooted in Grief
  2. future forgetting fragments


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