Art/Research International
A Transdisciplinary Journal

Volume 8, Number 1, 2023

Table of contents (18 articles)

Art/Research Editorial

Art/Research Theoretical Musings

  1. Nuts: An Autoethnographic Creative Nonfiction Imagination of Mad-Affirming Dance Spaces
  2. Exploring the Textual and Tactile Weave of Academic Subjectivities: Self-portraits, Intimacy, and Distance
  3. Lingering in Leggoian Light: Contemplating Carl Leggo's Momentous Mentorship
  4. Shame and Disavowing Queer Reality: An Autotheoretical Analysis

Art/Research In Action

  1. A Schizo-Poetic Inquiry of a First-Year Doctoral Experience
  2. "I Have a Bag of Old Knickers. Do You?": Under-Worlding Our Underwear through Audio Found Poetry
  3. Making With Place: Youth Public Art Experiments
  4. Intersectionality Gets Fashionably Fat: Arts-Based Approaches to Gender, Fat and Fashion
  5. Requirement Politics: Poetry as Feminist Response to Institutional Reluctance and Dismissal
  6. Engaging Resistance: A Poetic Hermeneutical Phenomenology of Mothering
  7. Colour Words (Hand-Made Visualisations of Literature): A Maker’s Reflection
  8. "The Long Shadow of a Juniper Berry": The Poetics of Land-Based Research

Art/Research Reviews

  1. It's All In the Details: A Social Fiction Style Book Review of “Re/Invention: Methods of Social Fiction" by Patricia Leavy (2023)
  2. A Poetry Pedagogy for Teachers: Reorienting Classroom Literacy Practices
  3. A Review of Teachers and Teaching On Stage and On Screen: Dramatic Depictions
  4. A Chat with Patricia Leavy on “Re/Invention: Methods of Social Fiction” by Patricia Leavy (2023)


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