Atlantic Geology

Volume 6, Number 1, April 1970

Table of contents (12 articles)

Editor's Note

  1. Editor's Page


  1. A Diapiric Structure Near Sable Island - Scotian Shelf
  2. Quaternary sedimentation on the Inner Atlantic Shelf Between Cape Henry and Cape Hatteras: A Preliminary Report
  3. Are Basal Transgressive Sands Chiefly Inlet-filling_ Sands?
  4. A Small Circular Flume for Laboratory Studies on Particle Abrasion
  5. Sedimentological Reconnaissance Survey of Kane Basin
  6. A continuous seismic survey of the Bermuda Platform, Part I: Castle Harbour
  7. Integrated Continental-SheIf and Marginal Marine Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity
  8. Mineral Resource Activities in the Canadian Offshore

Current Research

  1. Current Research


  1. Meetings

Hither and Yon

  1. Hither and Yon

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