RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne
Canadian Art Review

Volume 18, Number 1-2, 1991 Questionner le modernisme Modernism in Question Guest-edited by Nicole Dubreuil-Blondin and Serge Guilbaut

Table of contents (14 articles)

  1. L’art moderne comme objet d’histoire
  2. Point de chute
  3. Boudoir Scissorhands: Matisse, the Cut-outs and the Canon
  4. MoMA’s Public Relations, Alfred Barr’s Public, and Matisse’s American Canonization
  5. Multiplicités surréalistes
  6. Circus at the End of History: Wols in the Late Thirties and Early Forties
  7. La théorie des ruines d’Albert Speer ou l’architecture « futuriste » selon Hitler
  8. Fascism and Acephalic Man: Masson, Bataille, Lacan, and the Orgy of Blood
  9. Figuring Marisol’s Femininities
  10. Les leçons singulières : Une sculpture urbaine

Livres / Books

  1. Jean-Louis Cohen, Le Corbusier and the Mystique of the USSR: Theories and Projects for Moscow, 1928-1936. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1992, 254 p., 312 illus., $49.50
  2. René Payant, Vedute. Pièces détachées sur l’art 1967-1987, Montréal, Éditions Trois, 1992 (1ère édition 1987), 682 p., illus. $49.95
  3. How Many Klees Today? / O. K. Werckmeister, The Making of Paul Klee’s Career, 1914-1920. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1989, 335 pp., 126 black-and-white illus. / Christine Hopfengart, Klee: Vom Sonderfall zum Publikumsliebling; Stationen seiner öffentlichen Resonanz in Deutschland 1905-1960. Mainz, von Zabern, 1989, 284 pp., 105 black-and-white illus. / Claude Frontisi, Klee: Anatomie d’Aphrodite, le polyptyque démembré. Paris, Adam Biro, 1990, 64 pp., illus., 89 Fr / Rainer Crone And Joseph Leo Koerner, Paul Klee: Legends of the Sign. New York, Columbia University Press, 1991, 96 pp., $29 US / Marcel Franciscono, Paul Klee: His Work and Thought. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1991, 304 pp., $47.50 US / Mark Roskill, Klee, Kandinsky, and the Thought of Their Time: A Critical Perspective. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1992, 272 pp., $47.50 US / Marianne Vogel, Zwischen Wort und Bild. Das schriftliche Werk Paul Klees und die Rolie der Sprache in seinem Denken und in seiner Kunst. Beiträge zur Kunstwissenschaft 43. Munich, Scaneg, 1992, 216 pp., 20 black-and-white illus., DM 60
  1. Letter to the Editor

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