Numéro 1-78, june 1978
Sommaire (15 articles)
The City of Kingston Archives
Regina and Saskatoon as Retirement Centres
From Coal to Forest Products: The Changing resource Base of Nanaimo, B.C.
First International Conference on the History of Urban and Regional Planning: A Report
Urban Histotry in the British Idiom
Resource Towns as New Towns
Notes and Comments
Thesis Abstracts / Antonio Pucci. "The Italian Community in Fort William's East End in the Early Twentieth Century." M.A. Thesis, Lakehead University, 1977, 302 pp.
Book Reviews
Winnipeg's Civil Political History and the Logic of Structural Urban Reform: A Review Article
Lutman, John H. The Historic Heart of London. London: The Corporation of the City of London, 1977. Pp. iii, 75. Illustrations, maps. $3.95
Kloppenborg, Anne; Niwinski, Alice; Johnson, Eve; and Gruetter, Robert, eds. Vancouver's First Century: A City Album 1860-1960. Vancouver: J.J. Douglas, 1977. Pp. xx, 154. Illustrations. $19.95
Hayward, Robert J. Fire Insurance Plans in the National Map Collection / Plan d’Assurance-Incendie de la Collection Nationale de Cartes et Plans. Ottawa : National Map Collection, Public Archives of Canada, 1977 / Ottawa : Collection Nationale de Cartes et Plans, Archives Publiques Canada, 1977. Pp. xxvi, 171. Free
Boyce, Gerald E. Belleville: Birth of the City. Belleville: Richard Ellis Printing for the Quinte Kiwanis Club, 1977. Pp. 56. Illustrations
Reynolds, A. "Siding 16": An Early History of Wetaskiwin to 1930. Wetaskiwin: Wetaskiwin Alberta - R.C.M.P. Cetennial Committee, 1975. Pp. ix, 304. Maps, illustrations. $10.40
Powell, J.M., editor. Urban and Industrial Australia. Melbourne: Sorrett Publishing, 1974. Pp. 252