Labour/Le Travailleur

Volume 42, 1998

Sommaire (18 articles)

Obiturary / Nécrologie

  1. Stanley Bréhaut Ryerson (1911-1998)


  1. 'Not a Sex Question'? The One Big Union and the Politics of Radical Manhood
  2. Portrait of a Labour Spy: The Case of Robert Raglan Gosden, 1882-1961
  3. Martin Butler, Masculinity, and the North American Sole Leather Tanning Industry, 1871-1889
  4. Manhood and the Militia Myth: Masculinity, Class and Militarism in Ontario, 1902-1914


  1. Young Men and Technology: Government Attempts to Create a "Modern" Fisheries Workforce in Newfoundland, 1949-1970

Research Reports / Notes de Recherche


Review Essays / Notes Critiques

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

Book Notes / References Bibliographiques

Contributors / Collaborateurs

Notebook / Carnet

  1. Notebook / Carnet

Bibliography / Bibliographie

Minutes / Procès-verbal

Abstracts / Résumés

Anciens numéros de Labour/Le Travailleur