Corps de l’article
This book examines innovation in a digital world. Nowadays, innovation and IT are intertwined. In order to understand how, this book addresses strategic and operational aspects of R&D and new product development, taking an interdisciplinary view of innovation in an international and digital world. The introduction develops a systemic view of innovation in this context and explains the choice of disciplines the editors chose to include in this book. From the discussions in this book, the editors identify four themes that emerge at the intersection of innovation and IT, especially in the international context. These themes are: knowledge management, configurational design, distance matters and diversity of agents and behaviors. From an economics and strategic management perspective, its first chapters deal with degree of openness, distance and specialization, and examine innovative performance in terms of patents, mergers-acquisitions and exports. The second part takes a configurational approach, either at a theoretical level for general design, or in a managerial way for implementing Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems. It also treats how communities of practice and PLM use in co-developed projects with China influence coordination, reliability and productivity. In the third part, which considers the operational level, the issues of diversity and distance are addressed more specifically and in an international context. The final chapter offers a perspective on knowledge accumulation and value in NPD projects. The conclusion proposes new avenues for research which should only be interpreted as indicative of the unlimited and probably very enduring richness of research questions relevant to innovation and information systems in an international context.
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Biographical notes
Jacques Jaussaud est professeur des universités en sciences de gestion à l’UFR Droit, Economie, Gestion de l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. Il est directeur du Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes en Gestion (CREG, EA 4580). Ses recherches portent principalement sur l’organisation et le contrôle au sein des multinationales européennes et japonaises, ainsi que sur leurs pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines. Il a co-dirigé plusieurs ouvrages chez Palgrave et Chandos, et deux numéros de revues, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economies en 2001, et Asian Business and Management en 2012. Il a publié de nombreux articles en revues francophones (Revue Française de Gestion, Revue Française de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Management et Avenir, Finance-Contrôle-Stratégie, entre autres) et anglo-saxonnes (Journal of the Asia Pacific Economies, Asia Pacific Business Review, Asia Business and Management, Journal of International Management, Journal of International Human Resource Management, etc.).
Ulrike Mayrhofer est professeur des universités en sciences de gestion à l’IAE Lyon, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Elle est directeur du centre de recherche Magellan (EA 3713) où elle anime l’axe de recherche « Management international ». Vice-présidente d’Atlas/AFMI – Association Francophone de Management International, ses travaux portent principalement sur les stratégies d’internationalisation des entreprises. Elle a écrit plusieurs ouvrages - dont « Le management des firmes multinationales », Vuibert, 2011 (éd.) et « Management international. Des pratiques en mutation », Pearson Education, 2011 (avec Sabine Urban, Prix de l’Académie des Sciences Commerciales 2012) – ainsi que de nombreux articles publiés dans des revues comme European Management Journal, European Management Review, Finance-Contrôle-Stratégie, International Business Review, M@n@gement, Management International et Revue Française de Gestion.
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Biographical notes
Jacques Jaussaud is Professor in Management Sciences at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management at the University of Pau (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour). He is director of the CREG Research Team in Management. His research focuses on the organization and control of European and Japanese multinationals, particularly as regards Human Resources Management. He co-edited books for Palgrave and Chandos, and two issues of journals, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economies in 2001, Asian Business and Management in 2012. He has published numerous articles in French journals (Revue Française de Gestion, Revue Française de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Management et Avenir, Finance-Contrôle-Stratégie, among others) and in international journals (Journal of the Asia Pacific Economies, Asia Pacific Business Review, Asia Business and Management, Journal of International Management, Journal of International Human Resource Management, etc.).
Ulrike Mayrhofer is a University Professor of Management at IAE Lyon (Institut d’Administration des Entreprises), Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University. She is the Director of the Magellan Research Centre (EA 3713), where she leads the international management team. Vice-President of Atlas/AFMI – Association Francophone de Management International, her work mainly focuses on internationalization strategies of companies. She has written several books, including “Le management des firmes multinationales” (ed., Vuibert, 2011; “Management of Multinational Companies. A French Perspective”, ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) and “Management international. Des pratiques en mutation” (Pearson Education, 2011, with Sabine Urban, Prize of ‘Académie des Sciences Commerciales’ 2012), and numerous articles published in journals such as European Management Journal, European Management Review, Finance-Contrôle-Stratégie, International Business Review, M@n@gement, Management International and Revue Française de Gestion.
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Notas biograficas
Jacques Jaussaud es catedrático en Ciencias de Gestión en la Facultad de Derecho, Economía y Gestión de la Universidad de Pau y Pays de l’Adour. Es también director del Centro de Investigaciones y de Estudios en Gestión (CREG, EA4580). Sus investigaciones se centran principalmente en la organización y el control dentro de las multinacionales europeas y japonesas así como sus prácticas de gestión en recursos humanos. Codirigió numerosas obras con las editoriales Palgrave y Chandos, y también dos números de revistas, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economies el 2001, y Asian Business and Management el 2012. Asimismo, publicó numerosos artículos en revistas francófonas (Revue Française de Gestion, Revue Française de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Management et Avenir, Finance-Contrôle-Stratégie, entre otros) y anglosajonas (Journal of the Asia Pacific Economies, Asia Pacific Business Review, Asia Business and Management, Journal of International Management, Journal of International Human Resources Management, etc.).
Ulrike Mayrhofer es catedrática en Ciencias de Gestión en el Instituto de Administración de Empresas de Lyon de la Universidad Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Directora del centro de investigaciones Magellan, anima el eje de investigación en « Management internacional ». Vice-presidenta de Atlas/AFMI – Asociación Francófona de Management Internacional, sus investigaciones se centran especialmente en las estrategias de internacionalización empresarial. Es autora de varias obras entre ellas « Le management des firmes multinationales », Vuibert, 2011 (ed.) y « Management international. Des pratiques en mutation », Pearson Education, 2011 (con Sabine Urban, Premio de la ‘Académie des Sciences Commerciales’ 2012) además de numerosos artículos publicados en diferentes revistas tales como European Management Journal, European Management Review, Finance-Contrôle-Stratégie, International Business Review, M@n@gement, Management International y Revue Française de Gestion.