Volume 53, Number 215, Supplement, Summer 2009
Table of contents (15 articles)
New York, N.Y.
Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors / Metropolitan Museum of Art, www.metmuseum.org, January 27, 2009 - April 19, 2009
Toronto, Ont.
Chris Cran: Bright Spiral Standard / Clint Roenisch Gallery, www.clintroenisch.com, April 18 to May 30, 2009
Montréal, QC
Sophie Jodoin, Headgames: Hoods, Helmets & Gasmasks / Battat Contemporary, www.battatcontemporary.com, March 19 - April 25, 2009
Imagine: The Peace Ballad of John & Yoko / Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, www.mmfa.qc.ca, April 2 to June 24, 2009
Ludmila Armata: Exit / Galerie D'Este, www.galeriedeste.com, May 7 - 24, 2009
Rimouski, QC
Nicolas Baier: Pareidolias / Pareidolies / Saint Mary's University Art Gallery, 2 May - 14 June 2009, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, cmcp.gallery.ca, 5 February-24 May 2010, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, www.mnba.qc.ca, 17 June - 7 September 2010