Theatre Research in Canada
Recherches théâtrales au Canada

Volume 40, Number 1-2, 2019

Table of contents (18 articles)



  1. Transformational Kinstellatory Relations and the Talking Stick Festival
  2. Roots, Routes, RUTAS
  3. Art for Everyone? Mush, Multiculturalism, and the Prismatic Arts Festival
  4. A Small Festival for Small People: The WeeFestival as Advocacy
  5. Making Knowledge/Playing Culture: Theatre Festivals as Sites of Experiential Learning


  1. Majdi Bou-Matar’s Impact: An Examination of the IMPACT Festival and its Survival in the Waterloo Region
  2. Edgy + Hysteria: Not Like Sisters, or How Montreal’s Edgy Women and Toronto’s Hysteria Festivals Got It On Across Space and Time
  3. Ecology and Site-specificity in Festival Production: A Conversation with Laura Nanni
  4. “Festival Sites: The Civic and Collective Life of Curatorial Practice”: An Interview with Deborah Pearson and Joyce Rosario

Book Reviews / Comptes Rendus

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