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I AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that all articles from SCL/ÉLC volumes 11-20 (1986-95) are now freely available on-line. With the help of a SSHRC Special Initiatives Grant and in conjunction with the

Electronic Text Centre at the University of New Brunswick, we are in the process of making the entire contents of the journal’s first twenty volumes freely available on the World Wide Web. By the end of March, 2001, volumes 6-10 (1981-85) will be posted, and volumes 1-5 will follow this summer. All articles have been abstracted, and the archive is fully searchable. You can see it at our website:

I am grateful for the help of the five UNB graduate students who have each put in hundreds of hours of abstracting, scanning, and proofreading; thanks to Michael Belyea, Eric Barstad, Denis Caissie, Katherine Miller, and Andrea Rudy. I am also indebted to Alan Burk and James Kerr of the Electronic Text Centre for their invaluable assistance with this project.

We invite you to visit this archive, and welcome your feedback on it.

John Clement Ball