Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 42, Number 1, 1987

Table of contents (24 articles)


  1. L'OIT face au problème des relations professionnelles
  2. The Flexibility Debate in Western Europe: The Current Drive to Restore Managements' Rights Over Personnel and Wages
  3. Employment Standards in Ontatio: An Industrial Relations Systems Analysis
  4. Organizations, Participation and Recession: An Analysis of Recent Evidence
  5. La loi et la négociation collective en France: réflexion sur l'expérience 1981-1985
  6. International Unionism: The Papermakers in Eastern Canada, 1930-1945
  7. The Impact of Public Sector Wage Controls in Ontario
  8. A Typology of Shop Stewards: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis


  1. Like Nature, Industrial Relations Abhors a Vaccum. The Case of the Union-Free Strategy
  2. Les relations industrielles: une pratique et une discipline
  3. Industrial Relations Theory and Practice: A Note
  4. Décision rendue par le Conseil canadien des relations du travail.
  5. Changements dans les législations du travail au Canada

Recensions / Book Reviews

  1. Denis BRADET, Bernard CLICHE, Martin RACINE, France THIBAULT : Droit de la santé et de la sécurité du travail - La loi et la jurisprudence commentée. Cowansville, Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 1986, 300 pp., ISBN 2-89073-567-2
  2. Craig HERON, Robert STOREY : On the Job : Confronting the Labour Process in Canada. Kingston and Montréal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1986, 360 pp., ISBN 0-7735-0598-9
  3. George T. MILKOVICH, Jerry M. NEWMAN : Compensation. Plano, Texas, Business Publications Inc., 1984, 549 pp., ISBN 0-256-02204-6
  4. A.W.R. CARROTHERS, E.E. PALMER, W.B. RAYNER : Collective Bargaining Law in Canada. 2nd Ed., Toronto, Butterworths, 1986, 785 pp., ISBN 0-409-81879-8
  5. Industrial Democracy and Employee Participation. Digest of Case studies. vol. 1, Department of Employment and Industrial Relations, Sydney, Australia, 1985, 207 pp., ISBN 0814-9739
  6. David PEACH, David KUECHLE : The Practice of Industrial Relations. 2nd Ed., Scarborouogh, McGraw, Ryerson, 1985, 407 pp., ISBN 0-07-548909-0
  7. Maurizio RICCI : La struttura organizzativa del movimento sindicale, Dalle origini al 1949. Milano, Franco Angeli, 1986, 250 pp.
  8. Günter Schanz : Mitarbeiter beteiligung. Grundlagen - Befunde - Modelle. Munich, Verlag Franz Vahlen, 1985, 198 pp., ISBN 3-8006-1130-9
  9. Jean GUITTON : Le travail intellectuel. Paris, Aubier-Montaigne, 1951 et 1986, 189 pp., ISBN 2707-3409-2
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