Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 8, Number 4, September 1953

Table of contents (20 articles)

  1. Les groupements patronaux : essai de classification
  2. L'entreprise moderne, le travailleur et le public
  3. Reversing the Process of Nationalization: Effects and Hazards of New Legislation in Britain
  4. L'assurance familiale

Jurisprudence du travail


Livres et revues / Books and Reviews

  1. ALBA, Victor, « Le mouvement ouvrier en Amérique latine », un volume, 258 pages. Collection Masses et militants, publié par les Editions Ouvrières, 12, Ave Soeur-Rosalie, Paris. Dépôt exclusif pour le Canada: Les Editions Ouvrières, 1019, St-Denis, Montréal. Prix de vente: $2.50.
  2. DE CASTRO, Josué, « Géopolitique de la faim », un volume, 331 pages. Les Editions Ouvrières, Economie et Humanisme, 12 avenue Soeur-Rosalie, Paris (13è) 1952. En vente au Canada aux Editions Ouvrières, 1019, rue St-Denis, Montréal, prix: $3.75.
  3. Industrial Relations Center, University of Minnesota, Research and Technical Series. Orders addressed to the Publisher, Wm. C. Brown Co., 915 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa. / Report 5: Minnesota Manpower Managers in 1949, February 1950, 7 pp. Price $0.50.
  4. Report 6: Use of Factorial Design in Industrial Relations Research: Proceedings of a Conference. November 1950, 52 pp. Price $1.50.
  5. Report 7: Employee Welfare and Benefit Programs, Proceedings of a Conference, November 1950, 49 pp. Price $1.00.
  6. Report 8: How to Build a Merchandise Knowledge Test by JOSEPHINE S. WELCH and C. HAROLD STONE, July 1951, 21 pp. $1.00.
  7. Report 9: Job Evaluation Practices, Proceedings of a Conference, July 1951, 67 pp. Price $1.00.
  8. Report 10: Measurement of Physical Output at the Job Level, by Einar HARDIN, July 1951, 13 pp., Price: $1.00.
  9. Report 11: How to Develop a Weighted Application Blank, by WELCH, STONE and PATERSON, February 1952, 19 pp. Price $1.00.
  10. Report 12: Training Programs for Maximum Manpower Effectiveness, Proceedings of a Conference, February 1952, 57 pp. Price $1.50.
  1. Publications récentes
  2. Livres reçus
  3. Un Congrès représentatif
  4. Index du volume 8 — 1952-1953

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