Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 35, Number 2, Spring 2012

Table of contents (22 articles)


  1. Humanist Networks and Drama in Pre-Reformation Central Europe: Bartholomeus Frankfordinus Pannonius and the Sodalitas Litteraria Danubiana
  2. Marot et Du Bellay : « La Renaissance aura lieu si… »
  3. Mourning the Living: Surrey’s “Wyatt Resteth Here,” Henrician Funerary Debates, and the Passing of National Virtue
  4. The Unfulfilled Form of The Faerie Queene: Spenser’s Frustrated Fore-Conceit
  5. Neighbourliness and Toleration in the Work of George Herbert

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Armitage, David, Conal Condren and Andrew Fitzmaurice (eds.). Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought
  2. Bates, Catherine. Masculinity, Gender, and Identity in the English Renaissance Lyric
  3. Bernard, G. W. Anne Boleyn: Fatal Attractions
  4. Borris, Kenneth and George Rousseau (eds.). The Sciences of Homosexuality in Early Modern Europe
  5. Christian, Kathleen Wren. Empire without End: Antiquities Collections in Renaissance Rome, c. 1350–1527
  6. Fletcher, Angus. Evolving Hamlet: Seventeenth-Century English Tragedy and the Ethics of Natural Selection
  7. Fragonard, Marie-Madeleine. Variations sur la grâce et l’impuissance de la parole
  8. Hiscock, Andrew. Reading Memory in Early Modern Literature
  9. Mackenzie, Louisa. The Poetry of Place: Lyric, Landscape, and Ideology in Renaissance France
  10. Melion, Walter S. The Meditative Art: Studies in the Northern Devotional Print 1550–1625
  11. Montaigne, Michel de. Selected Essays, and La Boétie’s Discourse on Voluntary Servitude. Trans. James B. Atkinson & David Sices. Introduction and notes by James B. Atkinson
  12. Quiviger, François. The Sensory World of Italian Renaissance Art
  13. Richter, Mario. Jean de Sponde et la langue poétique des protestants, trad. française Y. Bellenger, F. Roudaut
  14. Sanders, Julie. The Cultural Geography of Early Modern Drama, 1620–1650
  15. Secchi Tarugi, Luisa (éd.). Oriente e Occidente nel Rinascimento. Atti del XIX Convegno Internazionale (Chianciano-Pienza, 16–19 luglio 2007)
  16. Terjanian, Pierre. Princely Armor in the Age of Dürer: A Renaissance Masterpiece in the Philadelphia Museum of Art
  17. Travis, Peter W. Disseminal Chaucer: Rereading the Nun’s Priest’s Tale

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