Volume 12, Number 2, 1985 Proceedings of the Symposium on The Roman Tradition in Wall Decoration, Palazzo Cardelli, Rome, 7-9 June 1984 Comptes Rendus du Symposium sur La tradition romaine dans la décoration murale, Palazzo Cardelli, Rome, 7-9 juin 1984
note des rédacteurs Les textes sont publiés selon l’ordre de leur présentation au symposium. Les textes en italien sont accompagnés de résumés en français et en anglais. Janet M. Brooke du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal a collaboré à la traduction des résumés.
editorial note The papers are published in the order of their presentation in the various sessions. French and English language summaries are provided for the papers in Italian. Janet M. Brooke of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts offered assistance with translation of the summaries.
Table of contents (19 articles)
I. Technical Issues / Aspects techniques
Technical Innovation and the Development of Raphael’s Style in Rome
La primitiva decorazione pittorica del portico di S. Lorenzo fuori le mura : osservazioni sulla tecnica
The Technical Evidence and the Origin and Meaning of Simone Martini’s ‘Guidoriccio’ Fresco in Siena
Observations and Questions concerning Ghirlandaio’s Work Process
Tecnica di esecuzione di alcuni affreschi della Farnesina
Sulla tecnica della pittura murale nella villa Farnesina
La più antica pittura nella Basilica di S. Francesco ad Assisi
II. Themes from Roman History and Litterature / Thèmes de l’histoire et de la littérature romaines
III. Patronage / Mécénat
IV. Programmes / Programmes
Patterns of Arrangement in Italian Fresco Cycles: A Computer Database
Gaspard Dughet : sa conception de la nature et les fresques du palais Colonna
Roma e Montecassino : gli affreschi della chiesa inferiore di S. Crisogono
The Function of Antique Ornament in Luca Signorelli’s Fresco Decoration for the Chapel of San Brizio