Volume 5, Number 2, 1978–1979
Table of contents (27 articles)
Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada: Report on the 1978 Annual Meeting London, Ontario, 22-25 May 1978 / Société pour l’étude de l’architecture au Canada
Parallels, Contrasts, and Interrelationships of Arts and Institutions, Thoughts and Artifacts in the Seventeenth Century AD: Report on the 1978 Institute in Cross-Cultural Studies sponsored by the Department of History in Art, University of Victoria in collaboration with the Institute for the Study of Universal History 4 July–16 August 1978
Les Yeux du temps / Eyes of Time : compte rendu de la conférence nationale sur la photographie et l’histoire, Ottawa, Ontario, 23-26 mai 1978
Expositions / Exhibitions
An Important Collection of Nineteenth-Century Art / The Other Nineteenth Century: Paintings and Sculpture in the Collection of Mr and Mrs Joseph M. Tanenbaum. An exhibition held at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 25 May—9 July 1978, and circulating to other major centres in Canada and the United States
Emily Carr and Others at Victoria / Emily Carr and Those Around Her. An exhibition held at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, July and August 1978
A.J. Casson at Windsor / A.J. Casson. An exhibition held at the Art Gallery of Windsor, 14 May—9 July 1978
La Photo League à Ottawa / Carrefour photographique : La Photo League / Photographic Crossroads: The Photo League. Une exposition présentée à la Galerie nationale du Canada, Ottawa, du 6 avril au 10 mai 1978
Livres / Books
Yves Laframboise et al., Calixa-Lavallée : Répertoire d’architecture traditionnelle. Les Cahiers du patrimoine, n° 4. Québec, ministère des Affaires culturelles, Direction générale du patrimoine, 1977. 159 pp., illus.
Fernand Caron, Fred C. Würtele, photographe. Les Cahiers du patrimoine, n° 6. Québec, ministère des Affaires culturelles, Direction générale du patrimoine, 1977. 276 pp., 733 illus.
Lauris Mason, The Lithographs of George Bellows: A Catalogue Raisonné. Milwood, New York, kto Press, 1977. 262 pp., 223 illus., $35.00
Graphic Works of the American Thirties: A Book of 100 Prints. New York, Da Capo Press, 1977. 216 pp., illus., $7.95 (paper)
Jan Van Der Marck, George Segal. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1976. 233 pp., illus., $37.50
Kenworth Moffett, Kenneth Noland. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1977. 240 pp., illus., $52.00
Ascanio Condivi, The Life of Michelangelo. Trans. by Alice Sedgwick Wohl, ed. by Hellmut Wohl. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1976. 156 pp., 62 illus., $15.00
Malcolm Campbell, Pietro da Cortona at the Pitti Palace. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1977. 306 + xviii pp., 201 illus., $45.00
Deric Regin, Traders, Artists, Burghers: A Cultural History of Amsterdam in the 17th Century. Amsterdam, Van Gorcum, 1976. 214 pp., 8 illus.
Kerry Downes, Vanbrugh. Studies in Architecture, vol. xvi. London, Zwemmer, 1977. 291 pp., 180 illus., £ 28.00 ($50.00)
Lucinda Lambton, Vanishing Victoriana. Oxford, Phaidon, 1976. 141 pp., 128 illus., $14.95
Ambroise Vollard, Recollections of a Picture Dealer. New York, Hacker Art Books, 1978. 326 pp. 33 illus., $30.00
Yigael Yadin, ed. Jerusalem Revealed: Archaeology in the Holy City 1968-1974. New Haven, Yale University Press, and Jerusalem, The Israel Exploration Society, 1975. 139 + viii pp., illus., $12.95
Elisabeth B. Macdougall and Richard Ettinghausen, eds., The Islamic Garden. Washington, d.c., Dumbarton Oaks, 1976. 135 + xxxvi pp., illus., $15.00