Revue de psychoéducation

Managing editor(s): Stéphane Cantin (Directeur et rédacteur en chef)


The Revue de psychoéducation promotes the publication of articles addressing the principal dimensions of psychosocial maladaptation issues : description, etiology, prevalence, prediction, diagnosis and prognostic, intervention and evaluation of the intervention. The articles may take the form of reviews, empirical studies, clinical experiences, case studies or theoretical work.

The international standard serial number (I.S.S.N.) of the Revue de psychoéducation is 1713-1782.


  Stéphane Cantin

  Revue de psychoéducation

  École de psychoéducation, Université de Montréal

  Casier postal 6128, Succursale Centre-Ville

  Montréal (Québec) Canada  H3C 3J7


  Telephone : 514 343-6111 poste 2527 

  E-mail :



A subscription is required to have access to issues disseminated in the last 12 months of publication for this journal.

Institutional digital subscription: Institutions (library, documentation centre, school, etc.) have the possibility to subscribe to Érudit journals by title or by title package. For more information, we invite institutions to fill out our subscription form.


Back issues (41 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics


1. Originality of manuscripts. The Revue de psychoéducation only publishes original manuscripts. Submitted work cannot be published or presented elsewhere during the submission period of the Revue de psychoéducation. The work must be sent in Word format.

2. Language of publication. The language of publication for the Revue de psychoéducation is French, to which the quality is given great importance by the executive committee. Although all accepted manuscripts go through an editorial review, it remains that the responsibility rests on the authors to ensure the high editorial standard of their submitted work.

3. Format and publication standards. Articles must be produced double-spaced on 8.5 X 11 po (or A4) paper. The font used must be Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11. The text must be left-aligned or justified. Margins must be of 2.5 cm (1po) and pages must be numbered in the top right in a consecutive manner (the title page being the first one). Submitted work must contain no more than 35 pages, including references and tables. Exceptionally, manuscripts may go over 35 pages when the nature of the subject being addressed requires it. All pages must contain a short header (derived from the title) in the top right corner. The formatting of the text, tables, figures and references must respect the norms described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 2010, 6 th édition). See point 7 down below.

4. Title page. The latter contains the title (maximum of 20 words), names and affiliations of all authors, the correspondence address, phone and fax numbers, as well as the email address of the author responsible for the submission of the manuscript. The title page must be sent as a separate file.

5. Abstract and key words. The abstract must include the title of the article, an abstract of 250 words MAXIMUM, and three to five key words. If the authors receive a final positive decision, the authors will have to submit a translation of the abstract and keywords. Translation services for the abstract are offered to authors. The rate is of 22 cents per French word. Authors may submit their own translation, but the quality of the latter will be assessed and if needed, the cost associated with a new translation at the above rate will be charged to the authors.

6. Main text. The first line of each paragraph (except for that of the abstract) must have a positive indent of 1.25 cm (or — po). In the case of empirical studies, the text must be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion and references

7. Heading levels (APA, 6 th édition)

8. Footnotes. The use of footnotes must be limited to the strict minimum.

9. References. The authors are asked to follow the guidelines set by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 2010, 6 th édition), accessible at the following address:


Review article

    Dodge, K.A. et Coie, J.D. (1987). Social-information-processing factors in reactive and proactive aggression in children’s peer groups. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 1146–1158.

    Connor, D.F., Steingard, R.J., Anderson, J.J. et Melloni, R. H. Jr. (2003). Gender differences in reactive and proactive aggression. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 33, 279–294.


    Dollard, J., Doob, L., Miller, N., Mowrer, O. et Sears, R. (1939). Frustration and aggression. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Book under the direction of:

    Gibbs, J.T. et Huang, L.N. (Dir.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological interventions with minority youth. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Book chapter under the direction of:

    Blanchard, D.C. et Blanchard, R.J. (1989). Experimental animal models of aggression: What do they say about human behavior? Dans J. Archer et K. Browne (dir.), Human aggression : Naturalistic approaches (p. 94–121). London, U. K.: Routledge.

[Note: the abbreviation “dir” is written in lower caps since the parenthesis that contains it isn’t preceded by a period.]

10. Tables and figures. Both tables and figures must be numbered from 1 to n and display legends when needed. Their title—as well as the content of the tables—must be single-spaced.

11. Evaluation. The abbreviation process is performed in a double-blind fashion. Manuscripts are submitted anonymously to at least three reviewers. The editorial committee’s decision to either accept, refuse or ask for modifications will be based on the reviewers’ evaluations. The authors will receive the comments of the reviewers as well as the executive committee’s decision under three months (to the extent possible) after the reception of the manuscript.

12. Managing authors’ rights. The opinions expressed in the articles published in the Revue de psychoéducation are those of the authors alone. When an author receives a notice of publication, the article becomes the property of the Revue de psychoéducation. Henceforth, any reproduction of the text in part or in full is only permitted upon authorization. The self-archiving by the author in an institutional repository is only allowed for the final published version (post print) of the article, accompanied by the reference to the first publication in the Revue de psychoéducation.

Manuscripts that respect the guidelines listed above will be sent to the journal’s director. All correspondence must be sent to:

       M. Stéphane Cantin
       Revue de psychoéducation
       École de psychoéducation, Université de Montréal
       Casier postal 6128, Succursale Centre-Ville
       Montréal (Québec) Canada  H3C 3J7

       Telephone : 514 343-6111 ext. 2527



The Revue de psychoéducation prohibits plagiarism, which is to say, when an author copies in full or in part the works of others while claiming it to be their own. Self-plagiarism, which is to say, when an author copies their own, already published work without referencing to the original publication is also proscribed.

If any form of plagiarism is suspected before publication, the author will be contacted so that the situation may be remedied. In the event of substantial plagiarism, the article will be automatically rejected and the author will not be able to publish in the Revue. If plagiarism is discovered post publication, the latter will be removed from the Revue. The author will not be able to publish in the Revue.



Long term archiving of the Revue de psychoéducation is handled within Portico.

Editorial board

Editorial committee

Director/Editor: Stephane Cantin, Université de Montréal

Members: Serge Larivée (UDM), Jean-Yves Bégin (UQTR), Sonia Daigle (U. Laval), Véronique Dupéré (UDM), Jean-Pascal Lemelin (U. Sherbrooke), Judy-Ann Connelly (UQAT), Kristel Tardif-Grenier (UQO), Ghitza Thermidor (OPPQ)

Infographics : Carole Tétreault


 Board of directors

Marc Bigras, Stéphane Cantin, Véronique Dupéré, Serge Larivée, Denis Leclerc, Kristel Tardif-Grenier