Authors Beginning With the Letter A
A. Ramirez, Ricardo
- 2004 — Avec E. Nurse, Robert et DiTommaso, Antonio, “Planting date effects on the germinability and seedling vigour of Abutilon theophrasti (Malvaceae) seeds”
Abbas, Hamed K.
- 2007 — Avec Shier, W. Thomas et Cartwright, Rick D., “Effect of temperature, rainfall and planting date on aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination in commercial Bt and non-Bt corn hybrids in Arkansas”
Abbas, H.K.
- 1995 — Avec Boyette, C.D. et Hoagland, R.E., “Phytotoxicity of Fusarium, other fungal isolates, and of the phytotoxins fumonisin, fusaric acid, and moniliformin to jimsonweed”
Abbes, Zouhaier
- 2007 — With Kharrat, Mohamed, Simier, Philippe, and Chaïbi, Wided, “Characterization of resistance to crenate broomrape (Orobanche crenata) in a new small-seeded line of Tunisian faba beans”
Abdullahi, A.E.
- 1997 — Avec Cavers, P.B., “Factors affecting regeneration from root fragments in two Physalis species”
Abney, T.S.
- 2001 — Avec Baird, R.E. et Mullinix, B.G.., “Fungi associated with pods and seeds during the R6 and R8 stages of four soybean cultivars in southwestern Indiana”
Abourouh, Mohamed
- 2009 — With Bakry, Mustapha, Bussières, Guy, Lamhamedi, Mohammed S., Margolis, Hank A., Stowe, Debra C., Blais, Martine, and Bérubé, Jean A., “A first record of Pestalotiopsis clavispora in Argan mass cutting propagation: Prevalence, prevention and consequences for plant production”
Abraham, V.
- 1995 — With Kushalappa, A.C., Carisse, O., Bourgeois, G., and Auclair, P., “Comparison of decision methods to initiate fungicide applications against cercospora blight of carrot”
Adamcíková, Katarína
- 2005 — Avec Juhásová, Gabriela et Robin, Cécile, “Results of biological control of chestnut blight in Slovakia”
Akkaya, Mahinur S.
- 2008 — With Zeybek, Ahmet, Dere, Şahin, Gök, Gülay, and Çallak, Asude, “Assessment of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei) resistance genes in Turkish barley varieties”
Alt, P.J.
- 1999 — With Baird, R.E., Philips, D.V., and Mullinix, B.G., “Relative longevity of Leptosphaeria maculans and associated mycobiota on canola debris”
Altıparmak, Gülay
- 2009 — Avec Tunali, Berna, “Incidence of Fusarium species and levels of fumonisin B1 in corn in the Samsun province of Turkey”
Amri, A.
- 2002 — With Baidani, A., Nsarellah, N., and Lhaloui, S., “Comparaison de deux méthodes de sélection classique avec l'haplodiploïdisation pour la résistance à la mouche de Hesse chez le blé tendre (Triticum aestivum)”
- 2020 — With Dhillon, Narpinderjeet Kaur, Kaur, Sukhjeet, Jindal, Salesh Kumar, and Buttar, Harwinder Singh, “Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of tomato genotypes for resistance to root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita”
Anwaar, Amina
- 2021 — With Jabeen, Khajista, Iqbal, Sumera, and Javad, Sumera, “Antifungal efficacy of phytoconstituents of Medicago sativa against Rhizoctonia solani”
Appleby, J.E.
Ariga, E.S.
- 2009 — With Muchiri, F.N., Narla, R.D., Olanya, O.M., and Nyankanga, R.O., “Efficacy of fungicide mixtures for the management of Phytophthora infestans (US-1) on potato”
Arul, J.
- 2001 — With Hervieux, V., Chabot, R., and Tweddell, R.J., “Evaluation of different fungicides applied as seed tuber treatments for the control of potato silver scurf”
Arul, Joseph
- 2008 — Avec Mecteau, Mélanie R. et Tweddell, Russell J., “Effect of different salts on the development of Fusarium solani var. coeruleum, a causal agent of potato dry rot”
Asselin, A.
- 1993 — “Quelques enzymes végétales à potentiel antimicrobien”
- 1991 — Avec Audy, P. et Parent, J.-G., “A note on four nonradioactive labeling systems for dot hybridization detection of potato viruses”
- 1990 — With Gumedzoe, M.Y., Sunu, D.Y., and Thottappilly, G., “Importance du virus de la marbrure de niébé et du virus de la mosaïque jaune du niébé au Togo”
Attrassi, Benaissa
- 2007 — With Attrassi, Khaled, Benkirane, Rachid, and Douira, Allal, “Effet de l'association de certains fongicides avec le chlorure de calcium sur le développement d'un complexe fongique responsable de la pourriture des pommes en conservation”
Attrassi, Khaled
- 2007 — With Benkirane, Rachid, Attrassi, Benaissa, and Douira, Allal, “Effet de l'association de certains fongicides avec le chlorure de calcium sur le développement d'un complexe fongique responsable de la pourriture des pommes en conservation”
Auclair, P.
- 1995 — With Abraham, V., Kushalappa, A.C., Carisse, O., and Bourgeois, G., “Comparison of decision methods to initiate fungicide applications against cercospora blight of carrot”
Audy, P.
- 1991 — Avec Parent, J.-G. et Asselin, A., “A note on four nonradioactive labeling systems for dot hybridization detection of potato viruses”
Aupinel, Pierrick
- 2003 — With Bournoville, René, Carré, Serge, Landré, Bernard, Grimaud, Emmanuelle, and Epardaud, Mathieu, “Effets de populations françaises du puceron du pois, Acyrthosiphon pisum [Homoptera : Aphididae] sur la résistance d'un cultivar de luzerne”
Avis, Tyler J.
- 2009 — With Mvuemba, Hortense N., Green, Sarah E., and Tsopmo, Apollinaire, “Antimicrobial efficacy of cinnamon, ginger, horseradish and nutmeg extracts against spoilage pathogens”
- 2006 — With Martinez, Carole, Simard, Jean-Nicolas, Labonté, Jessica, Bélanger, Richard R., and Tweddell, Russell J., “The role of antibiosis in the antagonism of different bacteria towards Helminthosporium solani, the causal agent of potato silver scurf”
Ayer, W.A.
- 1997 — Avec Jimenez, L.D. et Tewari, J.P., “Phytoalexins produced in the leaves of Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd's purse)”
- 1993 — Avec Bains, P.S. et Tewari, J.P., “A note on phytotoxicity of homodestruxin B – a compound produced by Alternaria brassicae”