Pratiques spécifiques d’intervention

Image Construction as a Strategy of Resistance by Progressive Community Organizations[Record]

  • Purnima George,
  • Ken Moffatt,
  • Lisa Barnoff,
  • Brienne Coleman and
  • Cathy Paton

…more information

  • Purnima George
    School of Social Work, Ryerson University

  • Ken Moffatt
    School of Social Work, Ryerson University

  • Lisa Barnoff
    School of Social Work, Ryerson University

  • Brienne Coleman
    Research Coordinator for the SSHRC project
    Field Education Coordinator, School of Social Work, Ryerson University

  • Cathy Paton
    Graduate student in the School of Social Work, Ryerson University

Dans la foulée du colloque organisé par NPS et tenu les 14 et 15 novembre 2008
