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DR. MELVIN BAKER (President’s Office) is Archivist-Historian for Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is writing a biography of Sir William Coaker and the history of the Newfoundland salt codfish trade between 1908 and 1938.

NICOLE DIXON won the Bronwen Wallace Award and was short-listed for the Journey Prize and a CBC Literary Award. Her fiction has appeared in Grain, The Fiddlehead, and The New Quarterly. Her first book, High-Water Mark, a collection of short stories, will be published by Porcupine’s Quill in 2012, a year after she will earn her MLIS from Dalhousie University.

WILLIAM GILBERT holds a BA in North Atlantic History and an MA in Archaeology, both from Memorial University. He has worked as a professional archaeologist for the past thirty years and, since 1994, has worked as Chief Archaeologist with the Baccalieu Trail Heritage Corporation.

DAVID MACKENZIE is an Associate Professor of History at Ryerson University and the author of Inside the Atlantic Triangle: Canada and the Entrance of Newfoundland into Confederation, 1939-1949. His newest book is ICAO: A History of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

NANCY PEDRI is an Associate Professor of English at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Her major fields of research include word-and-image relations in contemporary literature, photography in fiction and postcolonial criticism. Most of her recent work is characterized by a particular interest in the representation, both verbal and visual, of identity, especially marginal identity. Her current book project examines the use of visual documents in fiction in relation to questions of accuracy, epistemological value and belief. She has edited Travelling Concepts III: Memory, Narrative, Image (ASCA UP, 2003) and a special issue of Poetics Today (Spring 2008) on photography in fiction. Her work on word and image relations has appeared in International Journal for Canadian Studies, Texte, Journal of Literary Studies, Rivista di studi italiani, among other literary journals.

RONALD ROMPKEY is University Research Professor in the Department of English at Memorial University.