Authors Beginning With the Letter M
Macdonald, D. L.
Macfarlane, Karen A.
Macleod, Kirsten
- 2000 — Avec Kozakewich, Tobi et Mcmaster, Juliet, “Editing Jane: Austen's Juvenilia in the Classroom”
Macpherson, Jay
Maher, Daniel
Malinowska, Monika
Mall, Laurence
Mannucci, Erica J.
Marsh, James H.
- 2000 — “Tous les Savoirs du Monde”
Martine, Jean-Luc
Martinović, Nevena
Massé, Stéphanie
McCallam, David
McDayter, Mark
- 2006 — Avec Zeitz, Lisa M., “A Survey of Recent Scholarship in English by CSECS Members”
McElroy, George C.
McGinnis, Reginald
Mcguire, Kelly Ann
McKendry, Andrew
McKenney, Jenny
McLeod, Deborah
Mcmaster, Juliet
- 2000 — Avec Kozakewich, Tobi et Macleod, Kirsten, “Editing Jane: Austen's Juvenilia in the Classroom”
McMurran, Mary Helen
- 2015 — Avec Conway, Alison et Roulston, Christine, “Preface”
- 2014 — With Binhammer, Katherine, Zuroski Jenkins, Eugenia, O'Quinn, Daniel, and Aravamudan, Srinivas, “Srinivas Aravamudan's Enlightenment Orientalism: Resisting the Rise of the Novel: A Roundtable Discussion”
McNeil, David
Meagher, Paul
Melançon, Benoît
- 2010 — “Épistol@rités, d'aujourd'hui à hier”
- 2001 — Avec Kinsley, William et Richardot, Anne, “Preface”
- 1997 — “La configuration épistolaire : lecture sociale de la correspondance d'Élisabeth Bégon”
Merrett, Robert
- 2005 — “Daniel Defoe and Islam”
Merrett, Robert James
Merritt, Juliette
Miller, Eric
- 2022 — “True Touches of Nature: Laurence Sterne and the Sacred Heart”
- 2020 — ““Every Shrub Seemed Pregnant with Her Charms”: A Woman, Her Wonder, and the Ohio Country in Gilbert Imlay's The Emigrants”
- 2019 — ““Spenser, Ariosto etc.”: Elizabeth Simcoe Reads Canada”
- 2018 — ““The Cow Chace” and “A Monody”: Major John Andre's and Anna Seward's Prophetic Poems”
- 2017 — ““Druid Rocks”: Restoration, Originality, Nature and Authority in John Dryden, Titia Brongersma and William Blake's Visions of Megalithic Monuments”
Molesworth, Jesse
Morgan, Dawn
Moser-Verrey, Monique
Motsch, Andreas
Moureau, François
Muri, Allison
Murray, Julie