Authors Beginning With the Letter O
O'Brien, John T.
- 1981 — “After Slavery”
O'Brien, Mike
O'Connor, Alan
- 1983 — “Industrial Folklore:”
O'Connor, Emmet
- 2002 — “Ireland”
Oestreicher, Richard
Ogborn, Miles
Olson, Sherry
O’Manique, Colleen
- 2023 — “Teresa Rosemary Healy”
Ommer, Rosemary E.
- 2004 — Avec Turner, Nancy J., “Informal Rural Economies in History”
- 1983 — “"The Misery of Our Poor"”
O'Neill, Stéphanie
Orpana, Simon
- 2018 — Avec Kristofferson, Rob, “Shaping Graphic History: Primary Sources and Closure in Showdown! Making Modern Unions”
Osborne, Ken
Ouellet, Nelson
Overton, James