Labour/Le Travailleur

Volume 43, 1999

Table of contents (17 articles)

Contributors / Collaborateurs


  1. The Moral Economy of the Commons: Ecology and Equity in the Newfoundland Cod Fishery, 1815-1855
  2. Unfair Masters and Rascally Servants? Labour Relations Among Bourgeois, Clerks and Voyageurs in the Montréal Fur Trade, 1780-1821
  3. Art and Industrial Society: The Role of the Toronto Mechanic's Institute in the Promotion of Art, 1831-1883

Research Reports / Notes de Recherche


  1. The Mill: A Worker's Memoir from 1945 to 1948

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

Review / Comptes Rendus

Book Notes / References Bibliographiques

Notebook / Carnet

  1. Notebook / Carnet


Abstracts / Résumé

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