Authors Beginning With the Letter S
Sainsbury, John
Samson, Jane
Sandlos, John
Sangster, Joan
- 2017 — “Discours de la présidente. Confronter notre passé colonial : une réévaluation des alliances politiques au Canada à travers le XXe siècle”
- 2017 — “Presidential Address. Confronting Our Colonial Past: Reassessing Political Alliances over Canada's Twentieth Century”
- 2012 — “Irene Baird's ‘North and South' in The Climate of Power”
Sattenspiel, Lisa
- 2014 — Avec Dimka, Jessica et Orbann, Carolyn, “Applications of Agent-Based Modelling Techniques to Studies of Historical Epidemics: The 1918 Flu in Newfoundland and Labrador”
Saucier, Renée
- 2012 — Avec Wright , David, “Madness in the Archives: Anonymity, Ethics, and Mental Health History Research”
Sautter, Udo
Savard, Stéphane
Scanlan, Padraic X.
Schimmelpenninck van der Oye, David
- 2014 — With Avdeev, Victor, Coleman, Heather, and Fraser, Erica, “New Directions in Russian History: A Discussion about the State of the Field in Canada”
- 2014 — “Why Bother? The Importance of Russian History on the Canadian Campus”
Schmidt, Bonnie Reilly
Scott, Elizabeth A.
Seager, Allen
Séguin, Normand
- 1991 — Avec Courville, Serge et Robert, Jean-Claude, “The Spread of Rural Industry in Lower Canada, 1831-1851”
Séguin, Renaud
Sheinin, David M. K.
Shin, Leo K.
Shubert, Adrian
- 2023 — Avec Martel, Marcel, “Settler Vines: Rethinking the History of Wine Production”
Siegel, Andre
Slumkoski, Corey
- 2016 — With Adcock, Tina, Grant, Keith, Nation-Knapper, Stacy, and Robertson, Beth, “Canadian History Blogging: Reflections at the Intersection of Digital Storytelling, Academic Research, and Public Outreach”
Smith, Andrew
Smith, Donald
Smith-Norris, Martha
Snell, James G.
Srigley, Katrina
Stanger-Ross, Jordan
Stanley, Timothy J.
Steele, Ian K.
Stein, Steve
Sterparn, Julia
- 2012 — Avec Marshall, Dominique, “Oxfam Aid to Canada's First Nations, 1962–1975: Eating Lynx, Starving for Jobs, and Flying a Talking Bird”
Stevenson, Michael D.
Stewart, Mary Lynn
Stewart, Stormie
Storey, Kenton
Storey, Kenton Scott
Stortz, Paul
- 2008 — Avec Panayotidis, E. Lisa, “Visual Interpretations, Cartoons, and Caricatures of Student and Youth Cultures in University Yearbooks, 1898–1930”
- 2004 — Avec Panayotidis, E. Lisa, “Intellectual Space, Image, and Identities in the Historical Campus: Helen Kemp's Map of the University of Toronto, 1932”
- 2003 — ““Rescue Our Family From a Living Death:” Refugee Professors and the Canadian Society for the Protection of Science and Learning at the University of Toronto, 1935-1946”
Strong-Boag, Veronica
Struthers, James
Sutherland, David A.
Sylvester, Ken M.
Syrett, Nicholas L.
Szonyi, Michael