Authors Beginning With the Letter B
Baehre, Rainer
Bailey, Alfred G.
Baker, G. Blaine
Baker, W. M.
Barker, John C.
Baskerville, Peter
Bassler , Gerhard P.
Beattie, J. M.
Benidickson, Jamie
- 1978 — Avec Hodgins, Bruce W., “Resource Management Conflict in the Temagami Forest, 1898 to 1914”
Betke, Carl
Beutler, Corinne
Bilson, Geoffrey
Blackley, F. D.
- 1968 — Avec Hermansen, G., “A Household Book of Queen Isabella of England, 1311-1312”
Bliss, Michael
Bothwell, Robert
- 1972 — Avec English, John, ““Dirty Work at the Crossroads”: New Perspectives on the Riddell Incident”
Bouchard, Gérard
Bradbury, Bettina
Brown, Robert Craig
Brown, Susan E.
Brunet, Michel
Bumsted, J. M.
Burgess, Joanne
Burns, R. J.
Burns, Robin B.