Authors Beginning With the Letter Z
Zagorevski, A.
- 2015 — With McNicoll, V., van Staal, C.R., Kerr, A., and Joyce, N., “From Large Zones to Small Terranes to Detailed Reconstruction of an Early to Middle Ordovician Arc – Backarc System Preserved Along the Iapetus Suture Zone”
Zagorevski, Alex
Zagorevski, Alexandre
- 2020 — Avec van Staal, Cees, “Accretion, Soft and Hard Collision: Similarities, Differences and an Application from the Newfoundland Appalachian Orogen”
- 2014 — With Willner, Arne P., Gerdes, Axel, Massonne, Hans-Joachim, and van Staal, Cees R., “Crustal Evolution of the Northeast Laurentian Margin and the Peri- Gondwanan Microcontinent Ganderia Prior to and During Closure of the Iapetus Ocean”
- 2013 — With van Staal, Cees R., Chew, Dave M., McNicoll, Vicki, Hibbard, James, Skulski, Tom, Castonguay, Sébastien, Escayola, Monica P., and Sylvester, Paul J., “Evidence of Late Ediacaran Hyperextension of the Laurentian Iapetan Margin in the Birchy Complex, Baie Verte Peninsula, Northwest Newfoundland:”
Zaleski, Eva
- 1990 — Avec Kerr, Andrew et Weber, Werner, “Digging for the Past Beneath the Stones of Zimbabwe: A Field Meeting on the Archean - Proterozoic Transition”
Zamparo, JoAnne
Ziehlke, D. V.
- 1974 — Avec Wilson, H. D. B. et Morrice, M. G., “Archean Continents”
Zonneveld, John-Paul
- 2005 — With MacNaughton, Robert B., Beauchamp, Benoit, Dewing, Keith, Smith, I. Rod, and Wilson, Nick, “Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks”
Zsámboki, Louis
- 2014 — Avec Barr, Sandra M. et Dehler, Sonya A., “Connecting Cape Breton Island and Newfoundland, Canada”