First Peoples Child & Family Review
An Interdisciplinary Journal Honouring the Voices, Perspectives, and Knowledges of First Peoples through Research, Critical Analyses, Stories, Standpoints and Media Reviews

Volume 8, Number 1, 2013 Special Issue: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Guest-edited by Dorothy Badry

Table of contents (16 articles)

  1. Foreword
  2. Editorial
  3. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder among Aboriginal children under six years of age and living off reserve
  4. Alcohol is a great destroyer: A call for insight on ceremonial approaches for coping with FASD
  5. A Social Work student’s developing understanding of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder from medical and social perspectives and implications for practice
  6. Bound by the clock: The experiences of youth with FASD transitioning to adulthood from child welfare care
  7. Resilience and enculturation: Strengths among young offenders with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  8. Parents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the child protection systems: Issues for parenting capacity assessments
  9. Voices from the community: Developing effective community programs to support pregnant and early parenting women who use alcohol and other substances
  10. Voices of women living with FASD: Perspectives on promising approaches in substance use treatment, programs and care
  11. Capturing the experiences of FASD prevention workers through quilting
  12. An examination of three key factors: Alcohol, trauma and child welfare: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the Northwest Territories of Canada: Brightening Our Home Fires
  13. An exploratory study on the use of Photovoice as a method for approaching FASD prevention in the Northwest Territories
  14. Healing through Photography – A reflection on the Brightening Our Home Fires Project in the remote hamlet of Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories
  15. Journal on Developmental Disabilities special issue on FASD
  16. JoDD Editorial Board

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