
Volume 35, Number 1-2, 2011 Propriété intellectuelle et éthique Intellectual property and ethics Guest-edited by Murielle Nagy

Table of contents (27 articles)

  1. Introduction: propriété intellectuelle et éthique
  2. Control of information originating from Aboriginal communities: Legal and ethical contexts
  3. Inuit perspectives on research ethics: The work of Inuit Nipingit
  4. Creating space for negotiating the nature and outcomes of collaborative research projects with Aboriginal communities
  5. Ethical foundations and principles for collaborative research with Inuit and their governments
  6. Whose agenda is it? Regulating health research ethics in Labrador
  7. Intellectual property and the ethical/legal status of human DNA: The (ir)relevance of context
  8. The Nooter photo collection and the Roots2Share project of museums in Greenland and the Netherlands

Note de recherche / Research note

  1. A praxis for ethical research and scientific conduct in Greenland

Essai / Essay

  1. Access to data and reports after completion of a research project

Hors thème / Off-theme

  1. L’expression lexicale de la peur en inuktitut dans le nord de la Terre de Baffin
  2. Être jeune à Quaqtaq après l’an 2000

Note de recherche hors thème / Research note off theme

  1. Malamuk – A (West) Frisian loanword in Greenlandic
  2. Writing and publishing as empowerment in Baker Lake, Nunavut

Recensions / Book reviews

  1. ABELE, Frances, Thomas J. COURCHESNE, F. Leslie SEIDLE et France ST-HILAIRE (dir.), 2009 Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers and Prospects in Canada’s North, Montréal, Institut de recherche en politiques publiques, 605 pages.
  2. BURGESS, John H., 2008 Doctor to the North: Thirty Years Treating Heart Disease among the Inuit, Montreal and Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 168 pages.
  3. DAVELUY, Michelle, 2009 Roundtrip: The Inuit Crew of the Jean Revillon, Edmonton, CCI Press, 120 pages.
  4. FORTESCUE, Michael, Steven JACOBSON and Lawrence KAPLAN, 2010 Comparative Eskimo Dictionary With Aleut Cognates, Second Edition, Fairbanks, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska Native Language Center, Research Paper, 9, xxiv & 696 p., indices, maps.
  5. FREEMAN, Milton M.R. and Lee FOOTE, 2009 Inuit, Polar Bears and Sustainable Use, Edmonton, CCI Press, 252 pages.
  6. HAUSER, Michael, 2010 Traditional Inuit Songs from the Thule Area, Copenhagen, Museum Tusculanum Press and Meddelelser om Grønland, 346, vol. 1: 827 pages, vol. 2: 729 pages and CD.
  7. KRUPNIK, Igor, Claudio APORTA, Shari GEARHEARD, Gita J. LAIDLER and Lene Kielsen HOLM (eds), 2010 SIKU: Knowing Our Ice. Documenting Inuit Sea Ice Knowledge and Use, Dordrecht, Springer, 501 pages.
  8. LEDUC, Timothy B., 2010 Climate Culture Change: Inuit and Western Dialogues with a Warming North, Ottawa University Press, 267 pages.
  9. WEETALTUK, Eddy (en collaboration avec Thibault Martin), 2009 E9-422. Un Inuit, de la toundra à la guerre de Corée, traduit de l’anglais par Marie-Claude Perreault, Paris, Carnets-Nord, 385 pages.
  1. Thèses
  2. Revue des revues
  3. In memoriam : Patrick Plumet (1934-2010)
  4. In memoriam : Susan Sammons (1953-2011)

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