
Volume 18, Number 2, 1996 Transactions identitaires Identity Transactions

Table of contents (23 articles)


  1. Présentation / Introduction
  2. Des concours d’improvisation poétique chantée en Pays Basque, ou comment construire une identité culturelle
  3. Les avatars d’un mythe national: la figure emblématique du gaucho dans la littérature juive-argentine
  4. L’artefact et son édification sociale en symbole identitaire : le cas du Vieux-Québec, 1945-1963
  5. Québec dans les discours des guides touristiques, 1830-1930
  6. Le cas Radisson: analyse pluridisciplinaire d’un phénomène complexe
  7. L’image de l’Amérindien chez Louis Hennepin: méthodologie, perception et référence
  8. Une altérité radicale: rencontre avec le Cannibale du nouveau monde
  9. L’alterdisciplinarité
  10. Le mariage mixte: espace d’altérité, rencontre des identités

Nécrologie / Obituary

  1. Edith Fowke (1913-1996)

Comptes rendus / Book Reviews

  1. Narratives in Society: A Performer-Centred Study of Narration. By Linda DÉGH. (Helsinki: Suomalaimen Tiedeakatemia, Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 1995. Pp. 401.)
  2. Morning Dew and Roses: Nuance, Metaphor, and Meaning in Folksongs. By Barre TOELKEN. Publications of the American Folklore Society, New Series. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1995. Pp. xiii + 189.)
  3. Ireland, a Bicycle, and a Tin Whistle. By David A. WILSON. (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995. Pp. 175.)
  4. Communities in Motion: Dance, Community, and Tradition in America’s Southeast and Beyond. By Susan Eike SPALDING and Jane Harris WOODSIDE, eds. Contributions to the Study of Music and Dance 35. (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1995. Pp. xii + 273.)
  5. Voices of the Plains Cree. By Edward AHENAKEW. (Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1995. Pp. xxii + 130.) / Ellen Smallboy: Glimpses of a Cree Woman’s Life. By Regina FLANNERY. (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995. Pp. xviii + 104.) / Âtalôhkâna nêsta tipâcimôwina: Cree Legends and Narratives from the West Coast of James Bay. By Simeon SCOTT et al. Publications of the Algonquian Text Society 4. (Winnipeg: Algonquian Text Society, 1995. Pp. xxxvi + 554.)
  6. Mythical Mufferaw: More Adventures of Joe Mufferaw, and His Friends Fast Eagle, Broadaxe the Moose, Barrum the Frog, and Bucky the Beaver. By Bernie BEDORE. Illus. by Allen Lutes (Kingston, Ont.: Quarry Press, 1994. Pp. 91.) / Witches, Ghosts & Loups-Garous: Scary Tales from Canada’s Ottawa Valley. By Joan FINNIGAN. (Kingston, Ont.: Quany Press, 1994. Pp. 83.)
  7. Folkloristics: An Introduction. By Robert A. GEORGES and Michael Owen JONES (eds.). (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995. Pp. ix + 336.)
  8. Philosophy, Oral Tradition and Africanistics. By Joachim MUGALU. (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1995. Pp. 226, preface, introduction, bibliography.)
  9. American Hooked and Sewn Rugs: Folk Art Underfoot. By Joël KOPP, and Kate KOPP. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1995. Pp. 141, 233 colour and black and white illustrations, endnotes, bibliography, index.)
  10. Passing Strange and Wonderful: Aesthetics, Nature, and Culture. By Yi-Fu TUAN. (Washington: Shearwater, 1993. Pp. xii + 289, notes, acknowledgments, index.)
  11. The Last Hurrah — A Man and His Music. By Larry A. EWAHEN. 1994. Spirit Wrestiers Associates, R.R.#1, Site 2, Comp. B4, Castlegar, B.C. VIN 3H7.
  12. Stories From Doukhobor History. By Eli A. POPOFF. (Grand Forks, B.C. : Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ, 1992, 159 pp.) Katya : A Canadiart Doukhobor (Leningrad : TITUL and LenArt, 1991, 124 pp.) Available from USCC, Grand Forks, B.C.

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