Part II: Digital Media and Methods Section

Sentidos de nación, reflexión pedagógica en el cambio de guion en el Museo Histórico Nacional de ChileMeanings of Nationhood: Pedagogical Reflections on the Change of Script in the National Historical Museum of ChileLes significations du statut de nation, réflexion pédagogique au sujet du changement d’un texte écrit d’avance, au Musée historique national du Chili

  • Macarena Ponce de León and
  • Manuel Correa Serrano

…more information

  • Macarena Ponce de León
    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

  • Manuel Correa Serrano
    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Editor’s Note

This is a PDF version of a digital native work. For a fuller appreciation of the work, we encourage you to view the HTML version, which is currently housed at:

Cover of International Organizations, Global Circulation of Ideas and Educational Modernization, Volume 21, 2020, pp. 1-291, Encounters in Theory and History of Education / Rencontres en Théorie et Histoire de l'Éducation / Encuentros en Teoría e Historia de la Educación

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