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Sirois-Rouleau, Dominique. "Ragnar Kjartansson, Me, My Mother, My Father, and I, New Museum, New York, du 7 mai au 29 juin 2014." esse arts + opinions, number 82, fall 2014, p. 92–92.
Sirois-Rouleau, D. (2014). Review of [Ragnar Kjartansson, Me, My Mother, My Father, and I, New Museum, New York, du 7 mai au 29 juin 2014]. esse arts + opinions, (82), 92–92.
- Chicago
Sirois-Rouleau, Dominique "Ragnar Kjartansson, Me, My Mother, My Father, and I, New Museum, New York, du 7 mai au 29 juin 2014". esse arts + opinions no. 82 (2014) : 92–92.
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