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Rodgers, Margaret. "Andrea Carvalho, Made to Measure: and more ideas on space / Andrea CARVALHO, Made to Measure: and more ideas on space, The Latcham Gallery, Stouffville, Ontario, November 3 – December 8, 2012, Curated by Chai Duncan." Espace Sculpture, number 105, fall 2013, p. 51–52.
Rodgers, M. (2013). Review of [Andrea Carvalho, Made to Measure: and more ideas on space / Andrea CARVALHO, Made to Measure: and more ideas on space, The Latcham Gallery, Stouffville, Ontario, November 3 – December 8, 2012, Curated by Chai Duncan]. Espace Sculpture, (105), 51–52.
- Chicago
Rodgers, Margaret "Andrea Carvalho, Made to Measure: and more ideas on space / Andrea CARVALHO, Made to Measure: and more ideas on space, The Latcham Gallery, Stouffville, Ontario, November 3 – December 8, 2012, Curated by Chai Duncan". Espace Sculpture no. 105 (2013) : 51–52.
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