Authors Beginning With the Letter O
Odier-Guedj, Delphine
O’Hara, David
- 2015 — With White, Alexa, Liberatos, Penny, Davies, Dan, and Stock, Steven, “Promoting Self-Determination in Health for People with Intellectual Disabilities through Accessible Surveys of their Healthcare Experiences”
- 2015 — With Schwartz, Allen A., Bacon, Ansley, Davies, Dan, Stock, Steven, and Brown, Craig, “Using Cognitively Accessible Survey Software on a Tablet Computer to Promote Self-Determination among People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities”
O’Reilley, Louise
- 2011 — With Cara, Chantal, Avoine, Marie-Pierre, and Brousseau, Sylvain, “Résilience : pour voir autrement l’intervention en réadaptation”
Owen, Randall
- 2018 — Avec Parker Harris, Sarah, “Employment, Disability, and Social Justice in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom”