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Nimis, Érika. "Sandra Brewster, Works from series: Smith, Blur; Video: Walk on by. Optica, un centre d’art contemporain, Montréal (16.02.2021 — 03.04.2021) / Sandra Brewster, Works from series: Smith, Blur; Video: Walk on by." Ciel variable, number 117, summer 2021, p. 77–79.
Nimis, É. (2021). Review of [Sandra Brewster, Works from series: Smith, Blur; Video: Walk on by. Optica, un centre d’art contemporain, Montréal (16.02.2021 — 03.04.2021) / Sandra Brewster, Works from series: Smith, Blur; Video: Walk on by]. Ciel variable, (117), 77–79.
- Chicago
Nimis, Érika "Sandra Brewster, Works from series: Smith, Blur; Video: Walk on by. Optica, un centre d’art contemporain, Montréal (16.02.2021 — 03.04.2021) / Sandra Brewster, Works from series: Smith, Blur; Video: Walk on by". Ciel variable no. 117 (2021) : 77–79.
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