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Delgado, Jérôme. "Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller — Correspondances et aventures livresques / Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller — Correspondence and Adventures in Book Form." Ciel variable, number 117, summer 2021, p. 46–52.
Delgado, J. (2021). Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller — Correspondances et aventures livresques / Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller — Correspondence and Adventures in Book Form. Ciel variable, (117), 46–52.
- Chicago
Delgado, Jérôme "Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller — Correspondances et aventures livresques / Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Araki Nobuyoshi / Juergen Teller — Correspondence and Adventures in Book Form". Ciel variable no. 117 (2021) : 46–52.
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