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Randolph, Jeanne. "David K. Ross, Children of Kaos — Sometimes a Name Is Just a Name / David K. Ross, Children of Kaos — Parfois, un nom n’est qu’un nom." Ciel variable, number 116, winter 2021, p. 30–41.
Randolph, J. (2021). David K. Ross, Children of Kaos — Sometimes a Name Is Just a Name / David K. Ross, Children of Kaos — Parfois, un nom n’est qu’un nom. Ciel variable, (116), 30–41.
- Chicago
Randolph, Jeanne "David K. Ross, Children of Kaos — Sometimes a Name Is Just a Name / David K. Ross, Children of Kaos — Parfois, un nom n’est qu’un nom". Ciel variable no. 116 (2021) : 30–41.
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