Authors Beginning With the Letter B
B. Bateman, Rebecca
B. Klymasz, Robert
B. Moore, Joe
Badone, Ellen
Bai, David
Balikci, Asen
Barak, Victor
Barber, Pauline Gardiner
Baril, Gérald
1996 —
“Jamais plus comme avant ! - Le Québec de 1945 à 1960”
1996 —
“Tzvetan TODOROV, La vie commune. Essai d'anthropologie générale, Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 1995,187 pages, 120 FF (broché)”
1995 —
Avec Boucher, Louise Nathalie,
“Les hommes de fer d'Autriche impériale :art, armes et armures de Styrie”
1995 —
“Paul VIRILIO, The Vision Machine, Londres and Indianapolis : British Film Institute et Indiana University Press, 1994, 81 pages (broché) (Traduit du français, La machine de vision, Éditions Galilée, 1988)”
Baril, Gérard
Baril, Raymond
Barker, John
1984 —
“N. MIKLOUHO-MACLAY, Travels to New Guinea: Diaries, Letters, Documents (D. Tumarkin, compiler), Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1982, 519 pages, $7.95 (cloth) — in Canada: through Progress Books, Toronto”
1983 —
“T.O. BEIDELMAN, Colonial Evangelism: ASocio-Historical Study of an East African Missionat the Grassroots, Bloomington, IndianaUniversity Press, 1982. 273 pages, US $29.95(cloth), US $10.00 (paper)”
Barnes, R. H.
1982 —
“Kinship Exercices / Françoise HÉRITIER, L'exercice de la parenté, Paris, Gallimard, Le Seuil, 1981. 199 pages, figures, appendices, bibliographie, index, carte”
Bartels, Alice
Bartels, Dennis
1986 —
“Kerstin Eidlitz KUOLJOK, The Revolution in the North. Soviet Ethnography and Nationality Policy, Uppsala, Uppsala University Centre for Multiethnic Research, distributed by Almqvist and Wiksell International, Stockholm, 1985. 185 pages (paper)”
1986 —
Avec Bartels, Alice,
“Soviet Policy Toward Siberian Native People: Integration, Assimilation or Russification?”
1985 —
“Stephen P. DUNN, The Fall And Rise Of The Asiatic Mode Of Production, London, Boston, Melbourne and Henley, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982. 154 pages, £ 4.96 (paper)”
1983 —
“Cultural Relativism, Marxism, and Soviet Policy toward the Khanty”
Bartels, Dennis A.
Beaucage, Pierre
Beaujot, Roderic
Bellier, Irène
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von
Bennett, Jo Anne
Bentolila, Yaakov
Bernier, Bernard
1996 —
“Nicole FAZZINI-FENEYROL, Les apprentissages du changement dans l'entreprise, Paris : L'Harmattan, 1995, 303 pages”
1995 —
“L'automatisation industrielle au Japon et ses conséquences sur le travail et les travailleurs”
1995 —
“Margaret LOCK, Encounters with Aging. Mythologies of Menopause in Japan and North America, Berkeley : University of California Press, 1993, xliv + 439 pages, index (relié)”
1993 —
“Takie Sugiyama LEBRA (édit.), Japanese Social Organization, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1992, XI+236 p., index”
1990 —
“Micheline LABELLE,, Geneviève TURCOTTE, Marianne KEMPENEERS et Deirdre MEINTEL. Histoires d'immigrées. Itinéraires d'ouvrières colombiennes, grecques, haïtiennes et portugaises de Montréal, Montréal, Boréal, 1987, 275 pages”
1988 —
Avec Kirsch, Chantal,
“Le sens du discours écrit : propos méthodologiques à partir de deux recherches”
1981 —
“Construction d'un espace national et identité ethnique : le cas du Québec 1930-1970”
Berthoud, Gérald
Bibeau, Gilles
Biesele, Megan
Binkley, Marian
Bisson, Michael S.
1996 —
Avec White, Randall,
Bisson, Michel
Bissonnette, Alain
Blincow, Malcolm
Blondeau, Hélène
Blundell, Valda
Boddy, Janice
1993 —
“Othered and Disoriented in No Man's Land”
1991 —
“Anthropology, Feminism and the Postmodern Context”
1986 —
“Soraya ALTORKI, Women in Saudi Arabia: Ideology and Behavior Among the Elite, New York, Columbia University Press, 1986. 183 pages, US $30.00 (cloth) / Christine EICKELMAN, Women and Community in Oman, New York, New York University Press, 1984. 251 pages, US $32.50 (cloth), $12.50 (paper)”
1984 —
“Karen Eriksen PAIGE and Jeffery M. PAIGE, The Politics of Reproductive Ritual, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1981. 380 pages, appendices, index. US $8.95 (paper), US $25.00 (cloth)”
Boily, Lise
Bonifacic, Vjera
Boucher, Louise Nathalie
Bouez, Serge
Boutilier, James A.
Breo, Hazel Da
Breton, Yvan D.
Briggs, Jean L.
Brohman, John
Brown, Becky
Brown, Denise F.
Brunel, Gilles
Buchignani, Norman
1993 —
“Satya SHARMA, Alexander M. ERVIN, and Deirdre MEINTEL (eds), Immigrants and Refugees in Canada: A National Perspective on Ethnicity, Multiculturalism and Cross-Cultural Adjustment, Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, and Montréal: University of Montréal, 1991; 316 pages. $20.00 (paper)”
1986 —
“Elvi WHITTAKER, The Mainland Haole: The White Experience in Hawaii, New York, Columbia University Press, 233 pages, US $25.00 (cloth)”
Burridge, Kenelm
Butt, Leslie