Authors Beginning With the Letter A
Abélès, Marc
Abwunza, Judith M.
Adler, Alfred
Aléong, Stanley
Alkire, William H.
Amaya, Benjamin
Ames, Michael M.
Amit-Talai, Vered
1994 —
“Abner COHEN, Masquerade Politics: Explorations in the Structure of Urban Cultural Movements, Berkeley, Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1993”
1993 —
“Robert ROTENBERG. Time and Order in Metropolitan Vienna: A Seizure of Schedules. Washington & London, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992”
1993 —
“Ulf HANNERZ, Cultural Complexity: Studies in
the Social Organization of Meaning, New York,
Columbia University Press, 1992”
Anctil, Pierre
Anderson, Christopher
Anderson, E. N.
Anderson, Myrdene
Anger, Dorothy C.
Antonius, Rachad
1996 —
“Anne M. JENNINGS, The Nubians of WestAswan, Village Women in the Midst of Change,Boulder et Londres: Lynne RiennerPublishers, 1995, 179 pages (broché)”
1995 —
“Evelyn A. EARLY, Baladi Women of Cairo. Playing with an Egg and a Stone, Boulder & London : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, 217 pages (broché)”
1995 —
“Valentine M. MOGHADAM, Modernizing Women. Gender & Social Change in the Middle East, Boulder & London : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, 311 pages (broché)”
Apostle, Richard
Arcand, Bernard
1997 —
“La prostitution féminine à Montréal, 1945-1970, par Danielle LACASSE, Montréal : Boréal, 1994, 236 pages (broché)”
1997 —
“Sexy Dressing Etc., Essays on the Power and Politics of Cultural Identity, par Duncan KENNEDY, Cambridge et London : Harvard University Press, 1993, 258 pages, 24,95$ US (relié)”
1996 —
“Gilbert HERDT et Robert J. STOLLER, Intimate Communications, Erotics and the Study of Culture, New-York : Columbia University Press, 1990, 467 pages, 17,50$ U.S. (broché)”
1996 —
“Nous sommes tous Égo”
1993 —
“Dominique FOURNIER et Salvatore
D’ONOFRIO (Eds), Le ferment divin, Paris,
Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme,
Collection Ethnologie de la France, Regards sur
l’Europe, 1991, X +254 pages, figures, 110 FF”
1993 —
“Eduardo VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, From the Enemy's Point of View: Humanity and Divinity in an Amazonian Society, Translated by Catherine V. Howard, Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1991; xx + 407 pp. ($60 cloth; $18.95 paper)”
1990 —
With Crépeau, Robert, Désy, Pierrette, Leroux, Jacques, and Désveaux, Emmanuel,
1990 —
“Et si Caïn s'était plutôt suicidé ?”
1987 —
“Claude BLANCKAERT (Textes rassemblés et présentés par), Naissance de l'ethnologie ?, Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 1985. 267 pages, 120F”
1985 —
“Claude LÉVI-STRAUSS, Paroles données, Paris, Plon, 1984. 277 pages, 70 F”
1984 —
“David STOLL, Fishers of Men or Founders of Empire? The Wycliffe Bible Translators in Latin America, London, Zed Press; and Cambridge, Mass. Cultural Survival, Inc., 1982. Canadian Distributor: Between the Lines, Toronto. 344 pages, $15 (paper), $43 (cloth)”
Armitage, Peter
Aronson, Dan R.
Arsenault, Daniel
Asch, Michael
Asch, Michael I.
Aubaile-Sallenave, Françoise
Aucoin, Pauline
Aycock, Alan