Volume 4, Number 2, 1984
Table of contents (27 articles)
La masculinité guerrière : codage culturel ou structure psychique?
The Quest For A Cure: A Case Study in the Use of Health Care Alternatives
Le mythe du corps bouché
Sámi Literature and Handicraft as Means of Communication
Le sacre au Québec : transgression d’un ordre religieux ou social?
François-Marc GAGNON, Ces hommes dits sauvages : L’histoire fascinante d’un préjugé qui remonte aux premiers découvreurs du Canada, Montréal, Libre Expression, 1984. 190 pages, maps, illustrations, $19.95 (paper)
John G. GALATY, Dan ARONSON, Philip Carl SALZMAN, and Amy CHOUINARD (eds.), The Future of Pastoral Peoples: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Nairobi, Kenya, 4-8 August 1980, Ottawa, International Development Research Centre. Pub. in Holland: E.J. Brill, 1981. 396 pages, US $24
N. MIKLOUHO-MACLAY, Travels to New Guinea: Diaries, Letters, Documents (D. Tumarkin, compiler), Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1982, 519 pages, $7.95 (cloth) — in Canada: through Progress Books, Toronto
James CLIFFORD, Person and Myth: Maurice Leenhardt in the Melanesian World, Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1982. 270 pages, US $28.50 (cloth)
Dorothy Ayers COUNTS, The Tales of Laupu: Ol Stori Bilong Laupu, Boroko, Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies, 1982. 284 pages, K5.00 (paper)
William L. RODMAN and Dorothy Ayers COUNTS (eds.), Middlemen and Brokers in Oceania, ASAO Monograph No. 9, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1982. 304 pages, US $16.50 (cloth)
Shelton DAVIS et Julie HODSON: Witness to Political Violence in Guatemala, Boston, Oxfam-America, 1983 (1e éd. 1982). 54 p.
David STOLL, Fishers of Men or Founders of Empire? The Wycliffe Bible Translators in Latin America, London, Zed Press; and Cambridge, Mass. Cultural Survival, Inc., 1982. Canadian Distributor: Between the Lines, Toronto. 344 pages, $15 (paper), $43 (cloth)
Yvonne ARTERBURN, The Loom of Interdependence. Delhi, Hindustan Pub. Corp., 1982, 205 pages, Rs. 60 (cloth)
Ruth M. STONE, Let the Inside Be Sweet. The Interpretation of Music Event among the Kpelle of Liberia, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1982, 180 pages, US $20.00 (cloth)
Renaud SANTERRE, Céline MERCIER-TREMBLAY et le Centre National d’Éducation de Yaoundé, La quête du savoir ; Essais pour une anthropologie de l’éducation camerounaise, Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 1982, 889 pages, bibliographie, $ 30
Gary CALDWELL, Eric WADDELL (éds.), Les anglophones du Québec — De majoritaires à minoritaires, Québec, I.Q.R.C., 1982, 479 pages. MIGRATIONS ET COMMUNAUTÉS CULTURELLES, Questions de Culture 2, Québec, Leméac, 1982, 158 pages
Marc-Adélard TREMBLAY, L’identité québécoise en péril, Ottawa, Les Éditions Saint-Yves Inc., 1983, 287 pages
Anthony P. COHEN, ed. Belonging: Identity and Social Organization in British Rural Cultures, Newfoundland, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1982. 352 pages, $15 (cloth)
Ian A.L. GETTY and Antoine S. LUSSIER (eds.), As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows, A Reader in Canadian Native Studies, Nakoda Institute Occasional Paper No. 1, Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1983. 363 pages, $12.50 (paper), $29.95 (cloth)
Patrick KAPLANIAN, Les Ladakhi du Cachemire. Montagnards du Tibet occidental, Paris, librairie l’Astrolabe, 1981, 317 pages, bibliographie, lexique
Manda CESARA, Reflections of a Woman Anthropologist, Toronto, Academic Press, 1982. 234 pages, $31.75 (cloth)
Nils-Aslak VALKEAPÄÄ, Greetings from Lappland: The Sami — Europe’s Forgotten People, Translated by Beverley Wahl, London, Zed Press, 1983, 128 pages. In Canada: Between The Lines Press, Toronto. $9.95 (paper), $22.00 (cloth)
Karen Eriksen PAIGE and Jeffery M. PAIGE, The Politics of Reproductive Ritual, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1981. 380 pages, appendices, index. US $8.95 (paper), US $25.00 (cloth)
Kathleen GOUGH, Rural Society in Southeast India, London, Cambridge University Press, 1981, 458 pages, U.S. $44.50 (Cloth)